public profile
Shimon ben Hillel, שמעון בן הלל
About Shimon ben Hillel very little is known. He was the son of Hillel the Elder, and when Hillel died, Shimon took over his place as Nasi. It is assumed that Shimon did not live long after this, and was quickly succeeded by Shammai, who served as President of Sanhedrin while continuing to be ABD. Shammai was later succeeded by Hillel the Elder son, Gamaliel I.
Served as the second Nasi, after his father Hillel. His reign started 60 years before the destruction of the 2nd Temple.
The Nesi'im
The following were Nesi'im, that is to say presidents of the Sanhedrin.
Discussion of possibility that this is Simeon who blesses the infant Jesus In Luke 2:25: http://firstbaptistchurchlhf.org/110320pm.htm
רשימת נשיאי הסנהדרין בתקופת בית שני ואחריה
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Great Sanhedrin, Jerusalem, Israel
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Died in Jerusalen in the year 9 or 20 CE
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