Richard FitzRichard de Clare, Abbot of Ely

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Richard FitzRichard de Clare, Abbot of Ely

Birthplace: Tunbridge, Kent, England
Death: June 16, 1107 (44-45)
Ely, Cambridgeshire, , England
Immediate Family:

Son of Richard FitzGilbert de Bienfaite, Lord of Clare and of Tonbridge and Rohese Giffard de Longueville
Brother of Avice de Clare; Robert FitzRichard de Clare; Walter Fitzrichard; Gilbert Fitz Richard de Clare, Lord of Clare, Tonbridge, and Cardigan; Rohese de Clare and 7 others

Occupation: Abbot of Ely, former monk at Bec
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Richard FitzRichard de Clare, Abbot of Ely

RICHARD FitzRichard de Clare (-16 Jun 1107). He is named and his parentage given by Orderic Vitalis, who specifies that he was a monk at Bec and was appointed abbot of Ely by Henry I King of England. Robert of Torigny records the death in 1114 of "Ricardo filio Ricardi filii comitis Gisleberti monacho Beccensi" specifying that he was the last abbot of Ely.


Richard married Rohese Giffard, daughter of Sir Walter Giffard, Lord of Longueville and Agnes Flaitel, and had the following children:

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Richard FitzRichard de Clare, Abbot of Ely's Timeline

Tunbridge, Kent, England
Age 38
June 16, 1107
Age 45
Ely, Cambridgeshire, , England