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Christoph Joseph Rudolph Dulon

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Stendal, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany (Германия)
Смерть: 13 апреля 1870 (62)
Rochester, Monroe County, New York, United States (США)
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Friedrich Wilhelm Dulon и Carolina Wilhelmina Elisabeth Dulon
Муж Juliane Dulon
Отец Eliza Sigel; Arnold Dulon и Rudolph Dulon
Брат Ferdinand Dulon и Karl Wilhelm Eduard von Dulong

Профессия: Deutscher Theologe und demokratischer Revolutionär (Deutsche Revolution 1848/49), later teacher in USA
Менеджер: Tobias Rachor (C)
Последнее обновление:

About Rudolph Dulon

Christoph Joseph Rudolf Dulon

(April 30, 1807 – April 13, 1870) was a pastor of the Reformed Church (Calvinist) and a socialist agitator in Bremen; later he was an educator in the United States.

Dulon was descended from a Huguenot family. After completing his time in the gymnasium, and philosophical and theological studies at the University of Halle, he was ordained in Magdeburg in 1836. He accepted pastorates at Flossau, near Osterberg. Even at this time, he put himself in opposition to Church authorities, but in so mild a way that they could be lenient. In 1843, Dulon left the Prussian state Evangelical Church to become pastor for a German Reformed congregation in Magdeburg.

His work as an agitator dates from this time. He worked together with the so-called Friends of the Light and the "Free Congregations," though without adopting their dogmas. What attracted him to them was their common fight against the validity of the articles of faith in the Reformed Church and the Catholicizing tendencies in the uniting Evangelical Church. He was reprimanded, but this only seemed to encourage him.

In 1848, a vote apparently excluded him from his then Our Lady Church, Bremen, but a majority of the congregation overturned the decision and installed him as pastor; and the Senate of Bremen, the city-state government and highest authority in the Bremen state church, initimidated by the upheavals of the time, dispensed with many of the initiation requirements only insisting on adherence to "the word of God." In undertaking his examination, Dulon explained that the Bible and God's word were for him two very different things. In November 1849 he protected the leftist Arnold Ruge, granting him church asylum from an impending arrestation, and organised a further hiding place at Hermann Allmers's, before finding refuge in Brighton.

Followers streamed to him from all quarters and levels of society, and he moved to the front of the democratic movement. Democracy and revolution were to him the true Christianity. His sermons were characterized by their socialist content. He was strenuously opposed to the illiberal measures of the Friedrich Eichhorn, Prussian minister of cult and education. In 1850 he established the Bremen Tages-Chronik (Daily Chronicle), a social-democratic sheet - with Ruge contributing from abroad -, and Der Wecker. Ein Sonntagsblatt zur Beförderung des religiösen Lebens (The Alarmist. A Sunday paper for promoting the religious life), a religious weekly.

His string of victories became his fate. In 1851, his newspaper was forbidden in Prussia. The senate drew courage from the changing tenor of the times. In 1852, an intervention in Bremen was resolved upon by the German Confederation, and 10,000 troops stood on the outskirts of town. Dulon's days were numbered. Even in 1851, members of the Friends of the Light had complained to the senate, accusing him of denying essential articles of faith, mocking the gospel and open hostility to Christianity. The senate had referred the charges to theologians (Daniel Schenkel, Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Umbreit, and others) in Heidelberg who had confirmed the senate (though some thought deposing pastors was outside its jurisdiction) and declared Dulon unworthy of spiritual office in the Bremen Reformed state Church. Dulon was suspended, then dismissed and sentenced to six months in jail. He fled to Helgoland, which belonged to the United Kingdom at that time.

n 1853 he emigrated with his numerous family to the United States,[1] where he supported himself by lecturing and teaching young people. He became the pastor of an independent congregation in New York City, and at the same time issued a series of “Sabbath Leaves” in the interests of free religion. He started the first German-American school in the United States. In 1855, he bought the Feldner School in New York City, and later, from 1866 until his death, directed the Realschule in Rochester, New York. Future Civil War general Franz Sigel, a Badensian, taught in Dr. Dulon's New York schools, and subsequently married one of his daughters. At the end of his life, Dulon published a book, The German School in America.[2]

In the history of the Evangelical Church, there has hardly been another, except possibly Thomas Münzer, who has put religion in the service of revolutionary socialism so much as Rudolf Dulon.


[1] Carl Wittke, Refugees of Revolution: The German Forty-Eighters in America, Philadelphia: Univ. of Penn. Press, 1952, p. 129.

[2] Wittke, p. 302.

Ernst Christian Achelis (1904) (in German). "Christoph Joseph Rudolf Dulon". In Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). 48. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. pp. 160–162.

Wikisource-logo.svg "Dulon, Rudolf". Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography. 1891.



Über Rudolph Dulon (Deutsch)

Christoph Joseph Rudolph Dulon

* 30. April 1807 in Stendal; † 13. April 1870 in den USA) war ein deutscher Theologe und demokratischer Revolutionär.

Dulon, aus einem französisch/schweizerischen Adelsgeschlechts, war der Sohn eines Postdirektors aus der Familie des Flötisten Friedrich Ludwig Dulon. Er studierte Theologie an der Universität Halle. 1831 war er Rektor in Werben, 1836 Prediger in Flossen bei Osterburg und ab 1843 Prediger einer deutsch-reformierten Kirche in Magdeburg. Hier wirkte er in der innerkirchlichen Oppositionsgruppe Lichtfreunde, einem Verein von Protestanten. Er vertrat religiöse Positionen des Supranaturalismuses und die der demokratischen Radikalen, teils auch im Sinne von Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.

Am 15. Juni 1848 wurde er zum 2. Pastor an der Bremer Kirche Unser Lieben Frauen gewählt. Zunächst hielt er sich politisch noch zurück, wurde aber dann der führende Vertreter in Bremen bei den radikalen Demokraten in der Zeit der Deutschen Revolution von 1848/49. Er war Herausgeber der Tages-Chronik und des Weckers. 1849 brachte er sein zweibändiges Hauptwerk Vom Kampf um Völkerfreiheit heraus. Im November 1849 gewährte er Arnold Ruge (1802–1880) von den radikalen Linken in Frankfurt am Main und kurze Zeit Chef der Berliner Reform ein Bleiberecht bei der Kirche vor der drohenden Verhaftung und brachte ihn beim Marschendichter Hermann Allmers unter. Von seinem Exil in Brighton schrieb Ruge weiter für Dulon in dessen Tages-Chronik, bis diese am 20. Mai 1851 verboten wurde.[1] Unterstützt wurde Dulon auch durch die Frauenrechtlerin Marie Mindermann, die für ihn 1851/52 verschiedene anonyme Schriften verfasste.

Einige seiner Kirchengemeindemitglieder klagten den streitbaren Geistlichen 1851 wegen seiner Lehren an, die Mehrheit der Gemeinde unterstützten ihn aber. Nachdem der Senat der Freien Hansestadt Bremen um 1851/52 die demokratischen Bewegung niederschlagen konnte, wurde er auf der Grundlage eines Gutachtens der Theologiefakultät der Universität Heidelberg am 19. April 1852 vom Senat abgesetzt. Dulon emigrierte zunächst nach Helgoland, um dann 1853 in die USA auszuwandern. Hier unterrichtete und predigte er.

Seine Tochter Elise Dulon heiratete den späteren General Franz Sigel (1824–1902), beerdigt in der Bronx in New York.


Vom Kampf um Völkerfreiheit. Ein Lesebuch für’s deutsche Volk; Geisler, Bremen 1849–50.

Aus Amerika über Schule, deutsche Schule, amerikanische Schule und deutsch-amerikanische Schule. Winter, Leipzig und Heidelberg 1866.


Ernst Christian Achelis: Dulon, Christoph Joseph Rudolf. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 48, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1904, S. 160–162.

Herbert Schwarzwälder: Das Große Bremen-Lexikon. Edition Temmen, Bremen 2003, ISBN 3-86108-693-X.


[1] Karl Grobe: Über Preßfreiheit und Zeitungen



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Хронология Rudolph Dulon

30 апреля 1807
Stendal, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany (Германия)
16 сентября 1835
Germany (Германия)
13 апреля 1870
Возраст 62
Rochester, Monroe County, New York, United States (США)