Sr.Joanna (Joanna Anna Gartia) St.Josephs of Tarbes

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Sr.Joanna (Joanna Anna Gartia) St.Josephs of Tarbes (Texeira)

Дата рождения:
Смерть: 10 июля 1971 (89)
Ближайшие родственники:

Дочь John Texeira и Unnown Texeira
Сестра Leopoldina(Balsu Bai) Cornel; MGRev William Texeira; Dominica(Kukku Bai) Lobo; Sr.Elizabeth(Helen) Texeira; Therese Vaz и ещё 1
Неполнородная сестра Sr Mathew(Rosie) St Josephs of Tarbes; Sr.Rosalia(Annie) St.Josephs of Tarbes; Paul Texeira и Francis Texeira

Менеджер: Alice Lourdes Mascarenhas
Последнее обновление:

About Sr.Joanna (Joanna Anna Gartia) St.Josephs of Tarbes

WORTHY OF RECORDS - Published in The Herald (Catholic Weekly) 29th April 1988

Sr.Joanna Joined St.Josephs of Tarbes in the year 1899 and died in 1971 at the age of 90 years having completed 72 years in St Josephs of Tarbes.

                                                                   By Brig A.J.Texeira

Sr. Mary Mathew (Rosy Texeira) spent 67 years as a Nun in St.Josephs of Tarbes.

Sr. Rosalia (Annie Texeira) spent 56 years as a Nun in St.Josephs of Tarbes.

    It is remarkable that these THREE  SISTERS CONTRIBUTED 195 years of their lives in the service of God.Furthermore, and what may be unique , is that they ensured the presence of a TEXEIRA uninterruptedly in St. Josephs of Tarbes from the end of 19th century to practically the end of the 20th century.
    It may be relevant to mention that one of their brothers, Rt. Rev Mgr. William M.Texeira, Privy Chamberlain, Vicar General of Bangalore Archdiocese 1955, built St. Joseph's Church, Bangalore City.
    Their nephew Fr. John Texeira is presently Parish Priest, Mysore Diocese.

(Collection of Late Brig. Aloysius Joseph Louis Texeira )

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Хронология Sr.Joanna (Joanna Anna Gartia) St.Josephs of Tarbes