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Surendra Nath Sengupta

Дата рождения:
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Ajodhya Nath Sengupta и First Wife Sengupta
Муж Indu Bala Sengupta
Отец Promodenath Sengupta(Khokan); Prasanta (Mantu) Sengupta; Usha Nath Sengupta; Prodosh Nath Sengupta; Tarubala Roy и ещё 3
Брат Jotindra Nath Sengupta
Неполнородный брат Deben Sengupta

Менеджер: Samar Sengupta
Последнее обновление:

About Surendra Nath Sengupta

Surendra Nath was doctor by profession. He obtained MB degree from Calcutta University. He joined Medical Service during British rule and elevated to the rank of Civil Surgeon. While he was posted at Andaman Central Jail, he became a problem to the British Government since all their ill treatments towards the Freedom Fighters at the Central Jail used to get leaked through him. British government then started harrashing Surendra Nath by tranferring from one district to other very frequently. Ultimately Surendra Nath resigned from the service and opted private practice. He was all set to settle at Calcutta for starting medical private practice. One of his uncle, Abinash Sengupta was a leading advocate at Midnapur at that time. Surendra Nath before starting his private practice at Calcutta reached Midnapur to receive the blessings of his uncle in his new assignment. During his stay at Midnapur, he received six calls in one day which led to propose Surendra Nath to selttle at Midnapur in stead of Calcutta by his uncle. Surendra Nath then settled at Midnapur and prospered like anything.