Theodoor Adolph Neptuun Brandts Buijs

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Theodoor Adolph Neptuun Brandts Buijs

Also Known As: "Adolph Brandts Buys", "Theodore A.N. Brandts Buys"
Birthplace: Deventer
Death: January 22, 1895 (42)
Easton, Maryland, United States
Place of Burial: Spring Hill Cemetery, Easton, Talbot County, Maryland
Immediate Family:

Son of Cornelis Alijander Brandts Buijs and Wilhelmina Johanna Bosch Morison
Husband of Rosina Stoll
Brother of Alijda Cornelia Brandts Buijs; Marius Adrianus Brandts Buijs, Sr.; Jeannette Everdine Brandts Buijs; Louisa Cornelia Brandts Buijs; Ludwig Felix Willem Cornelis Brandts Buijs and 3 others

Occupation: organ-player, choir director, Dedemsvaart
Managed by: Maarten Alexander Brandts Buijs
Last Updated:

About Theodoor Adolph Neptuun Brandts Buijs


organist en koordirecteur In 1889 tot organist benoemt in Dedemsvaart

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Theodoor Adolph Neptuun Brandts Buijs's Timeline

July 6, 1852
January 22, 1895
Age 42
Easton, Maryland, United States
Spring Hill Cemetery, Easton, Talbot County, Maryland