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Tirey Ford

Дата рождения:
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Pleasant Thomas Ford и Ellen Nelly Ford
Муж Elizabeth W. Ford
Отец Sarah Ellen Ford; Pleasant Thomas Ford; infant James Collins Ford; Elgie N. Kipper; Pierce Ford и ещё 3
Брат Elgelina Nise и Jacob Harrison "Jake" Ford
Неполнородный брат Infant William Henry Ford; Pleasant Lafayette Ford; infant Chas Warren Ford и infant Lucretia Barbary Ford

Менеджер: Private User
Последнее обновление:

About Tirey Ford


(Farmer, Post-Offlce, Granville) .
Mr. Ford is a brother to Jacob H, Ford, whose sketch precedes this, being three years the latter's junior, and was in infancy when his parents came to Missouri, having been born in Madison county, January 21, 1818. His father was from Virginia, but was brought out to Kentucky by the latter's parents when he was but six years of age, the family being pioneer settlers in Madison county of the Blue Grass State.
Pleasant Ford was married, after he grew up, to Miss Ellen Harris, originally of South Carolina, but whose parents were also pioneers in Kentucky. After their marriage they came to Missouri, as stated in the sketch of Jacob H. Thev came to this county in the spring of 1821. In 1832 the father was elected sheriff of the county and re-elected in 1834, serving in all four years. He died here in 1844. He was in well-to-do circumstances considering the times and the opportunities to make money, and gave his children as good school advantages as could be had here at that time.
Tirey Ford had instruction in the higher branches, including algebra and surveying, and became a successful and popular school teacher. He taught school for about 10 years, including one term in Paris. May 1, 1845, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Collins, a daughter of James Collins, formerly of Kentucky. After his marriage he located on a farm near Greenwood, and the following season bought a part of the land where he now resides, where he improved a farm. He subsequently added to this until he had a large place. He has sold off considerable land, however, but still has nearly 300 acres ; 240 acres of his place are in cultivation, pasturage and meadow. His place is comfortably improved. In 1854 Mr. Ford was elected justice of the peace and has served three terms in that office with great satisfaction to the public and entire efficiency in the discharge of his duties as a magistrate.
'Squire and Mrs. Ford have four children : Pleasant T., who is married and resides on the home place; Elgie, wife of D. Kippen, of Granville; Pierce and Joseph C. They have lost two, Sarah E., wife of David Hllingsworth, who died in 1881 leaving four children, and Bessie, who died in 1877 at the age of 21. 'Squire and Mrs. Ford are members of the Christian Church. The 'Squire is one of the substantial men of Clay township, and is highly respected by all.