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William John Hamill

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Baltimore City, Marylan
Смерть: 1897 (68-69)
Waverley Cemetery Bronte, Waverley Council, New South Wales, Australia
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Alexander Hamill; Alexander Hamill; Olivia Hamill и Olivia Hamill
Муж Sylvia Crossman Hamill; Isabella Cummings Hamill и Isabella Cummings Hunt
Отец Elizabeth Olivia Hamill и Reginald Garfield Hamill

Менеджер: Private User
Последнее обновление:

About William John Hamill

William John Hamill married first Sylvia Crossman (Hunt) Hamill in Baltimore, Maryland, about 1850. They divorced after John conceived a child with her sister, Isabella, and he married Isabella in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia about 1865. John was in the oil refinery business in Baltimore.

After he divorced Sylvia, he and Isabella went to Australia, and there they married and had 13 children. Sylvia and John had 7 children, so with both sisters/wives, he was the father of 20 children. His American family had no idea where John and Belle had gone. Through the magic of a family history site, the American and Australian families found each other.


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Хронология William John Hamill

Baltimore City, Marylan
Возраст 69
Waverley Cemetery Bronte, Waverley Council, New South Wales, Australia