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Yisroel Levenstein

Дата рождения:
Смерть: 13 августа 1935 (83-84)
Место погребения: Bloemfontein Memorial Cemetery
Ближайшие родственники:

Муж Hilda Levenstein
Отец Paula Jacobson; Samuel Levenstein; Theodore (Teyve) Levenstein; Rivkah Sinoff; Carel Levenstein и ещё 2

Менеджер: Daniel Levenstein
Последнее обновление:

About Yisroel Levenstein

Yiroel Levenstein was born as Yisroel Kleinerman but when he got married he took his wife's surname which was Levenstein in order that he could escape being called up into the army. He was a short man. He was once on his way to shul when a strong wind blew up and turned him completely around and being confused he continued to walk back home.

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Хронология Yisroel Levenstein

15 ноября 1904
Piltene, Latvia (Латвия)
13 августа 1935
Возраст 84