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Garcia Vieira Genealogy and Garcia Vieira Family History Information

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  • ? Garcia (deceased)
  • Acibella García de Gascuña (b. - c.905)
    Acibella Garcés de GascuñaFather García Sánchez "le Courbe"1 b. circa 870, d. 924Mother Aminiana (?)1 b. circa 865 Acibella Garcés de Gascuña was the daughter of García Sánchez "le Courbe" and Aminiana...
  • Adelaida Luján (1870 - d.)
  • Celso Garcia (1869 - 1908)
    Uma das avenidas mais importantes da Mooca, a popular Celso Garcia, carrega uma bonita história de luta operária na história de São Paulo. Sua denominação homenageia a Afonso Celso Garcia da Luz, nasci...
  • Afonso Garcia (b. - 1040)
    Foi um nobre do Reino das Astúrias e viveu em meados do século X. No site teria sido filho de outro Garcia Afonso, mas que viveu cerca de duas geraões antes.

About the Garcia Vieira surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Garcia Vieira surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Garcia Vieira surname.

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