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Goldschmieding Genealogy and Goldschmieding Family History Information

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About the Goldschmieding surname

The names Goldschmeding and Goldschmieding most probably have a similar origin. Presently many members of the Goldschmeding family are living in The Netherlands and in the USA. Their family tree goes back in a continuous loop to 1650, the year in which Johannes Goldschmeding was born. He lived in Bruenen in NordRhein-Westfalen (Kreis Wesel) in Germany (see the familly tree on My Heritage). Most probably Johannes Goldschmeding was a descendant of Lambertus von Goldschmeding, the oldest forefather known, born around 1275. Originally, the family name has been written as Von Gholtsmedinc or Gholtschmedinck, referring to the name of the area where they settled. In this name Gholt stands for wood and schmedinck for blacksmith. So a wooded area where blacksmiths managed their workplaces. Over the years Gholt was replaced by Gold. In Castrop Rauxel (Germany) the small castle Schloss Goldschmieding still exists as a remembrance to the dawn of the family. The original castle from the 13th century was demolished in 1583 in order to make place for a new building in Renaissance style. From this building the right half has been preserved after a restoration in 1895. Nowadays it is part of a hotel. We believe that both the Dutch/US branch and the Danish branch date back to this Lambertus. (Jan Tijmen Goldschmeding; contact: