New format of discussions board

Started by Alex Moes on Friday, August 30, 2013
Problem with this page?


Profiles Mentioned:

Showing 31-33 of 33 posts

Alex Clayton White - Thanks, glad to hear it. I just use public computers to connect to the internet - can't think why some computers would have the blue shading, not others - but perhaps it had something to do with that specific computer. Am on a different computer now and see the blue highlighting for unread just fine.

Alex Clayton White

When viewing this tree from a logged out machine there is a display problem.

The tree is focused on Master Profile of Mate Ivan Joseph Jakich and all profiles above him are Public. The grey line between Mate's grandparents ( Mate Jakić and Pavica Jakić (Sisarić) ) actually runs thru several of Pavica's brothers and sisters profiles. It looks bad and is very confusing, these people are my Immediate Family and even I had trouble working it out.

Alex Clayton White, you were looking for examples of search terms that bring up the CDN. I just got a result for when searching "John Darvil pirate," on Google.

Showing 31-33 of 33 posts

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