Thank you Pat

Started by Private on Tuesday, October 19, 2021
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10/19/2021 at 4:08 AM

Thank you very much. This a very interesting illness.

I had a family member I placed an about a week ago with a dementia type of illness that led to her death. I couldn't find a project but this sounds more like it.

I will search for it and send it on.

Stay well.


10/19/2021 at 9:53 AM

You are welcome. It was an interesting disease and a horrible one that I was unaware of.

Demential is terrible. I was sad for the daughter or son or other family members when they visited and the parent sometimes knew who they were & sometimes didn't. I was almost glad when the person with it didn't remember who their visiting family member was completely. It was.almost a blessing for the family to know that the memory loos was due to a disease. Does that make sense?

Angels be with you & yours,

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