Something is Wrong (Woodson Tree)

Started by Private User on Friday, February 11, 2011
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Private User
2/11/2011 at 2:18 PM

For John A. Woodson, Doctor, his mother's birthdate is WAY too old to have had him. Is there a generation missing? If Alice Hammon was his mother, she was 70 when he was born. I'm not there yet, but don't women hit Menopause in their 40s? LOL

Private User
2/14/2011 at 10:54 AM
Private User
2/14/2011 at 11:54 AM

She must have been popping her hormone pills.

Private User
2/14/2011 at 12:24 PM


Private User
2/16/2011 at 2:38 PM

A Dr. John Woodson is my 10th greats-grandfather. Are you related?

Private User
2/16/2011 at 2:48 PM

Dr. John Woodson is your 8th great grandfather.

his father → Joseph (MCLENDON) Throgmartin
his father → Robert Throgmartin
his father → Susannah Throgmorton
his mother → SARAH WOODSON
her mother → John Woodson, "Cousin"/"Cousin"
her father → Col Robert "Tater Hole" Woodson
his father → Dr. John Woodson
his father

Private User
2/16/2011 at 2:50 PM

i have never figured out the parent problem

Private User
2/16/2011 at 3:29 PM
Private User
2/16/2011 at 3:54 PM

i have dr john woodson father as john alexander woodeson 1542-1600
maybe the missing generation. manager will have to make change...i am not allowed

Private User
2/16/2011 at 4:50 PM

Thanks, maybe if nobody else beats me to the punch, I'll be able to do it when I get home. I'm at work right now on a shared computer, so I can't.

Private User
2/16/2011 at 4:56 PM

@Sarah, we're all related...however you and I are 20th cousins 4x removed.

2/25/2011 at 10:17 AM

AFAIK, the only source for info on Dr. John Woodson, of Flowerdew Hundred prior to his voyage to the colonies is "Historical genealogy of the Woodsons and their connections" by Henry Morton Woodson (Free on google books and
The book spends almost no time exploring Dr. Woodson's parentage. It only comes up in the course of the author explaining why he chose to include a certain coat of arms. This is the extent of what it has to say about Dr. John's parentage:
"There seems to be no doubt that 1 Dr. John Woodson,1 our progenitor, was the JOHN WOODSONNE who matriculated at Oxford, 1604-5, age 18, son of Mr. Woodson, gent, of Bristol. The locality and date of birth seem to warrant this conclusion. It also seems that he was connected with the family of Reginald Woodson of Hampshire and entitled to the coat of arms borne by him."

There is a chart of some sort on the preceding pages that Google's scanners missed but is available on in really poor quality. Feel free to have a look, but the chart doesn't mention our John. What the author was saying was that he believed Reginald and John were related in some way, thus allowing John to use the same coat of arms. He was not saying they were father and son. Someone has connected them as father/son and that is where you get your odd dates.

2/25/2011 at 11:08 AM

I added a generation between Reginall Woodeson and Dr. John Woodson, of Flowerdew Hundred. Dr. John is now the son of John of Bristol, son of Reginald. For the record, there is no source stating his father's name, and no source tying them to Reginald. But I'd hate to see Reg cut from the master tree. Also, I added the other children of Reg mentioned in the Woodson book.

9/25/2013 at 7:34 AM

Its been awhile, but I took another look at this issue and I feel comfortable with naming Dr. Alexander Woodson as the father of John Woodson of Virginia. I found Alexander's will and linked it to his profile. Alexander and John both attended the same school and graduated around 25 years apart, just right to be father and son. They were also both Doctors. The only wrinkle is that Dr. John is listed as from Dorsetshire in colony records. While Dorset is certainly close to Bristol, they're not the same. But as I previously stated, its generally accepted that Dr. John is the John listed in Oxford records as a son of Mr. Woodson of Bristol. So this would appear to tie him and Alexander together.

One remaining problem is there is still no solid connection between Dr. John and Reginall Woodeson. Reginald is too old to be a likely father of Alexander. Perhaps a grandfather and great-grandfather to Dr. John. Currently I have left Reginald as Alexander's father as I just don't have enough info to the contrary. I have updated the explanation on Alexander Woodson to clarify this problem. I'd also like to clean up Dr. John's profile as it suffers from merged note overload.

Private User
12/24/2017 at 8:21 AM

Dr. John Woodson, of Flowerdew Hundred I just finished reading that faradiddle on the Overview page as well as the discussions above; this after spending an entire day searching the records database at Ancestry, and I just don't know where to begin. So many unjustified assumptions.

First, the Oxford record, which I examined, does not say that John was a son of a gent. of Bristol, but that he, himself, was the gent.

Second, it says he matriculated in 1604 at the age of 20 which would put his birth year at 1584 not 1586, so I don't know why people persist in that error.

Third, if Sarah was a Winston, she was not the daughter of Isaac, nor the sister of Anthony. Anthony was a son of Sir Henry and his sister Sarah provably married a Churchill. There is a big monument attesting to this.

Fourth, If Sarah was pregnant in 1644 in order to produce a child that was still underage at the time of her death, she would have to be considerably younger than John. If he came in 1619, and they were listed at the musters of 1623/24, it is entirely possible - and even likely - that he met and married her here in VA, and that she was one of the young women brought over when the London streets were cleared of vagrants. Based on the ages of the children, and the fact that she married twice more, she must have been VERY young.

It seems to me that someone with a desire for a stellar ancestry made up a lot of malarkey about the Woodson family. Just because a person is "closer to the time" doesn't remove from them the desire to cover up questionable ancestry or to create noble ancestors to boost their standing. it appears to me that this is what has happened here. And,. believe me, I wish it was not so: Woodson is my 8th g. gr. father.

The "Dr. Alexander Connection" is very, very iffy. Why would he be listed as he is in the Oxford Alumni book and no reference made between John and him when that was standard procedure?

I think the only rational and honest thing to do is to admit that John and Sarah Woodson are pretty much brick walls unless and until something legitimate can be found to justify anything written about them. And that nonsense on the Overview page should be filed in the waste bin.

12/28/2018 at 8:45 PM

More than 22 year age difference between Katherine Woodson and her husband Dr. John Woodson, of Flowerdew Hundred.Richard Woodson born after the death of his father Dr. John Woodson, of Flowerdew Hundred.Benjamin Woodson born after the death of his father Dr. John Woodson, of Flowerdew Hundred.Judith Woodson born after the death of her father Dr. John Woodson, of Flowerdew Hundred.Mary Woodson born after the death of her father Dr. John Woodson, of Flowerdew Hundred.Joseph Woodson born after the death of his father Dr. John Woodson, of Flowerdew Hundred.Sarah Woodson born after the death of her father Dr. John Woodson, of Flowerdew Hundred.Richard Woodson born after the death of his mother Sarah Woodson Johnson.Benjamin Woodson born after the death of his mother Sarah Woodson Johnson.Judith Woodson born after the death of her mother Sarah Woodson Johnson.Mary Woodson born after the death of her mother Sarah Woodson Johnson.Joseph Woodson born after the death of his mother Sarah Woodson Johnson.Sarah Woodson born after the death of her mother Sarah Woodson Johnson.

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