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  • R' Moshe Perlow, Admur Stolin (1891 - 1942)
    Family book of Rabbi from Ladi, husband of ref #251 GEDCOM Note === Family book of Rabbi from Ladi, husband of ref #251 נולד, כנראה, בתרנ"ה,1895. היה אדמו"ר בסטולין, היה גם בעל השכלה כללית. ביקר בארץ י...
  • R' Nachum Solomon Perlow (b. - 1942)
    השם נלו זה לא נחום סלומון אלא נחום שלמה הי"ד בנוסף הוא היה חתנו של האדמור מקוזניץ וגם שימש בעצמו כאדמו"ר מקוזיניץ
  • Leya Kuznets (1916 - 1941)
  • Movsha Kuznets (1911 - 1941)
    Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Nov 25 2019, 15:09:39 UTC
  • Iosel Kuznets (1867 - 1941)
    Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Nov 25 2019, 15:09:39 UTC

Stolin was occupied by the Germans from July 1941 to 1944. In August 1941, many Jewish refugees – especially women and children - from the nearby town of David-Gorodok came to Stolin. A ghetto was created in May 1942, surrounded by a barbed-wire fence. About 7,000 Jews lived in this small and unhealthy area, along the Bank River. The liquidation of the ghetto was conducted on September 11, 1942 by a squadron of German cavalry, the local police and the SD. The shooting took place near the airfield, in a large ditch.


El Moley Rachamim Holocaust Prayer