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About the Longbottom surname

The surname 'Longbottom' is said to be of Anglo-Saxon origin and mean one who dwells in a 'Long Valley'. It came from Longbottom as in the Long Valley in West Yorkshire.

However, being derived from Old English the surname 'Longbottom' actually means 'Long staying Power'. One of the most important British families rooted in the Normans and were Lords in Yorkshire along with families such as the Percys. The Kingmaker Richard Nevilles' descendants would marry into the Longbottom family.

The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Richard Longboteham, which was dated 1379, in the "Yorkshire Poll Tax Returns", during the reign of King Richard 11, known as "Richard of Bordeaux", 1377 - 1399.

The Longbottom motto in Latin is; 'Labor Omnia Vincit' which translates to mean; 'Hard Work Conquers All'.

The surname 'Longbottom' is also of one of the main characters in the film Harry Potter, some have argued that he is perhaps the most important character and even one of the Chosen Ones in Prophecy. Might this be connected with Biblical Prophecy?

Neville Longbottom is a Pure-Blood which is code for pure-blood Royal. He is considered an equal to the Dark Lord. The Philosphers' Stone could be a play on either the Brutus Stone or even the Stone of Destiny.

The Sword of Gryffindor reminds people of Excalibur and King Arthurs' Sword and can possibly be linked with Nuada's Sword or even Cú Chulainn's Sword.