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  • Hermann Hirsch Oser (1812 - 1888)
    Hermann Hirsch OSER: b. 1812, Nikolsberg - d. 27 July 1888, WienBasic Nikolsburg birth data courtesy of Indexes to Mikulov births, marriages, and deaths online at the site of the Jewish Museum in Pragu...
  • Ilse Oser (1898 - 1942)
    cf.: Born 26. 10. 1898* Last residence before deportation: Prague XII* Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Libická 16* Transport X, no. 406 (12. 02. 1942, Prague -> Terezín)*...
  • Paula Gerber (1873 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:* Gerber, Paula* geb. Oser * geboren am 04. September 1873 * in Fordon/Bromberg/Posen* wohnhaft in Berlin (Weißensee) * DEPORTATION* ab Berlin* 15. August 1942...
  • Ida (1901 - 1984)

About the Oser surname

Oser tribe in Papua New Guiena ,related to Korowai,Komboy,Komyandaret and to other ones,
as well as Oser families in Europe,may be of mixed Os and Ser,that is Oset and Serian ancestry .

Serian or Syrian is the alternative name of Komi people at the Ural ,who as such basically may be
descended from Syros ,son of Apollón ,who is identical with Ganda,king of Kasshu in Kar-Dunia,
one of the twelve ancestors of the Chosen Nation of the Holy Land of America and partly
Asia , till the Ural and Himalaya mountains .
Osets or Alans in the other hand,as speakers of an Iranian dialcet and as such being the successors
of certain Daha tribes ,may in first row be descended from the brother of the previous,
from A-Wa-Hayat-Daha ,whose descendants originally occupied mainly South American territories .
It is there that Toba or Kom ,or 'Om ,and the closely related Guaycuru people reside too ,
they may be descended from A-Wam-Ma-Wan-Na and Arga-Qara ,sons of Ar-Ram-Ma from his tribe.
Cara people in Ecuador are called also or closely related to I-Mbaya ,as are the Guaycuru called
also Mbaya .
The third of the brothers,Magrach ,may be the ancestor of Magach people .

Koro-Wai alias Kom-Boy thus in PNG may be the relatives of Guay-Curu and Kom in America .
A certain tribe in Gallia in Europe revered a deity or hero called Andarta .
They might have been members of the Boi alliance ,in which case the Kom-Boi may be from among them,
just as the related Komyandaret' ( Komi-Andareta ) tribe ,and may be descended from Andarta ( Andareta ) .
Mandobo tribe in PNG may also be the counterpart of Mandubi in Gallia .
So these peoples' ancestors might have lived in America,at least since the home-taking of the Indians in
about 1706 BC ,40 years after leaving the Nile's valley and the other Indias ,and they emigrated to other
continents in the flow of later events .
Such was the deportation of the people by Assyrians and Babylonians in about 800 and 654 BC respectively ,
when some have left the country voluntarily too,as it is written,and the expedition of Tupa Ariki ,
that is Tupa Yupanqui Inca much later ,when he and his party discovered two big islands in the Pacific Ocean,
called by them Nina Chumbi and Aha Chumbi,that is approximately Fire Island and Water Island .
These might have been Australia and New Guinea in their later names ,and apparently many of the party
have settled there .

Here are some words of Korowai language that have American equivalents : LUP sun corresponds to
Uru LUPI sun,AKH water is also the usual word for water in most of "hokan" languages ,the general Gothic word,
and MAUN water and I bite are almost the same as MAWÜNH rain and I eat in Araucanian .
There may be many more .
'Hokan" peoples basically may be descended from Ayar Toba-Gochi ,brother of Manco Inca,
the founder of Chima Panaca or Che-Mapu-Inaca ,who might have ruled at Toba and Kom peoples ,
and in their kingdom in Asia called Tabgach ( Tob'-Goch' ) .
This or a previous might have been the case for intermixing between Syrians and Koms from the two
aforesaid tribes .
There are said to be Iranian words in Komi language ,as there are in almost each of Finno-Ugrian ones .

Oseriat people in Pannonia may also be of Oser origin .

See Kom,Kominka,Kominko,Seri,Cocom,Majos,Antipenko,Panenka,Monteville,Villamontes,Lietuva,Toba,
Permyakov,Kun,Koman,Kuman,Cumana,Jász,Jászi,Elias,Anarcsi,Eisner,Sugatagi ,Uruguay,Uygur,Gaucho,
Charrua,Hayek,Grabar,Hájek,Smaragd,Wagmann and others !

Balázs Déri