Calculated relationships; always meaningful?

Started by Private User on Thursday, October 25, 2012
Problem with this page?


  • Private User
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  • Private User
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Private User
10/25/2012 at 2:47 PM

You just need to click on symbol to recalculate path

Private User
10/25/2012 at 3:09 PM

Hi Jadra, Referring to this issue, often the relationship won't recalculate for me, either, no matter how many times I click, or make my way to the profile through the correct path. I seem to have to wait for the system to refresh it. It has happened quite often, actually. Eventually, things are put in order, but I can't seem to force it. It is okay for me, because I can mentally recalculate from nearby profiles that aren't "stuck" on an old relationship prior to the shorter path, but it isn't ideal.

You may remember, in June this year, when I contacted you about Ante Grbić who was said to be my first cousin thrice removed's husband's grandfather, though he is also my 4th GG.

Remember, I tried refreshing my browser and various other ploys, including clicking on all the profiles of my great- aunts and uncles, but to no avail. Most profiles around him showed the shorter relationship, but his profile stubbornly held on to the relationship via marriage of a distant relation.

Of course, some weeks later it was all okay, but I do think there may be some underlying issue that may need to be resolved, here, especially if more than a few people are having the same problem.

10/25/2012 at 8:49 PM

The server has a job that runs several times a week and the paths might recalculate then.

Private User
10/25/2012 at 11:36 PM

If you send me a link to profile in question
I can try ti fix the path for you

Private User
10/25/2012 at 11:38 PM

* to

Private User
10/26/2012 at 1:41 PM

rvk, - the recalculate symbol after the path description where a hover text shows you when the path was calculated, but Jadra probably forgot that curators does not have the one week old limit on when that option is available.
A very good hint: When you have problems on showing a path you know is shorter that what Geni tells you: Walk the path! Start on the profile where you find an error and click on parent/spouse/sibling/child links to walk the path until you get to the destination. The ?through=nn parameter you see in the URL's tells Geni which profile your path to that profile should go through, and by doing that step by step updates the cached paths in Geni on your path to that profile.

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