@ Annie Bennett

Started by marilyn chard on Wednesday, July 24, 2013
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  • marilyn chard
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marilyn chard
7/24/2013 at 6:44 AM

Hi, I'm not sure who I should be addressing this email to, so i'm hoping somebody may pick it up, and maybe direct it to the right place/person.
I have just joined Geni.com in the hope of finding out more information about my family. I seem to be lucky that I have found my Grand Mother ( my father's mother) but some of the information appears incorrect. I know she was born in a place called FOYNES in Limerick, Ireland, the year was 1869. She moved to England (not sure when) but made her home in Plymouth, Devon. She was to meet my Grand Father (Charles Oilier Tookey) sometime and they got married at the Register Office, in the district of East Stonehouse in the County of Devon, on 16th JULY1889. She died 12th March 1938, at her daughter-in-laws residence in Saltash, Cornwall. I am desperately trying to obtain her Birth certificate. I have her Marriage and Death certificate but cannot seem to find a Birth certificate for her. If anyone can help me obtain this certificate or, put me on the right road to finding it I would be so grateful. This is the one certificate I need to really complete this part of my tree.
Thankyou for reading this mail.
Marilyn Chard

Private User
7/25/2013 at 7:04 PM

Private User is an Irish specialist and may be able to assist you. Good luck!

Private User
7/26/2013 at 3:14 AM

marilyn chard if you only want a birth cert you can possibly order this from the GRO in Ireland, but you will need her full date of birth and one of her parents names to make sure you will receive the correct birth cert. The reason I say you ''should'' be able to get the cert from the GRO is that civil registration was not rolled out in Ireland till 1864 , and some parishes did not start till much later . Before 1864 there were no birth registrations just baptism records.
The GRO website were you can order the birth record if available http://www.groireland.ie/apply_for_a_cert.htm

You might like to give me the name of your grandmother so that I can find out if there is a birth cert available for her

Kind regards,


marilyn chard
7/26/2013 at 5:01 AM

Hi Annemarie,
Thankyou for your reply to my email. I have tried obtaining this certificate before but unfortunately have had no luck. Around that time they also burnt a lot of records and i'm thinking, this may have been around the time i'm enquiring about. I have also thought about taking a holiday in Southern Ireland (Limerick), maybe I may be able to follow up my search more thoroughly that way. Thankyou for bothering to get back to me.
Kind regards

Private User
7/26/2013 at 5:57 AM

What was burned were mainly the 1841 to 1891 census records of Ireland, only snippets of these survived the fire in the Four Courts in Dublin in 1922.
Baptism records were kept in the Churches and the Civil Registration records should have survived also.

Try the message board from Ireland Reaching Out for Limerick a parish liaison might be able to shed a light on the birth/baptism records for Foynes, you find them here and it is free http://www.irelandxo.com/group/county-limerick/parishes

Private User
7/26/2013 at 6:03 AM
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