Peter Bekker SV/PROG - Ammendments

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, December 21, 2013
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12/21/2013 at 11:30 PM

Have changed birth date as I think it was a typo, and it contradicted the info in the About Me

I also removed the spelling 'Becker' in the Birth Surname field, as I can't see evidence for this spelling, even as an aka - so I'm concerned it may also be a typo.

Private User and Private User & others please double-check me on this.

Judi & June (and pro users with access) also take a look at the My Heritage match - there is additional data that might be useful, but I don't have corroborating data to check it against.

Private User
12/22/2013 at 2:01 AM

Becker is found in SAF/SAG so is a variation - busytwith family - will get back later!

Private User
12/22/2013 at 7:32 AM

Good. still busy with the "Voortrekker Begrafplaas Pietermaritzburg" people.

Private User
12/23/2013 at 7:40 AM

Sharon, do you have the book "Pieter Becker, 'n stamvader - sy misdade en verhore"? (AFrikaans)

If not, I can send it on if you give me your email address, it has quite a few sources listed.


12/24/2013 at 12:30 AM

No Annemarie - that would be fantastic!! Thankyou. I'll message you my address

11/4/2018 at 10:06 PM

Melissa Langerman says
I am contacting you about this profile: Pieter Bekker, SV/PROG

I am not sure if anyone has this but I managed to find the record when he returned to South Africa in 1717, not easy as he is spelled Beeke. I notice his service ends on 25.8.1745 when he dies. Are people happy with this as a DOD as I have also seen years of 44/46? I notice there is also mention in family histories of the Becker/Bekker family of a DOD of a Pieter Bekker registered in Waveren 26.8.1744. The dates in August seem so close I wonder if there is a mistranscription somewhere? Anyway the link to his voyage out is

I am not descended from him but I am from Jannetije. I know Bekker was sentenced for the ghastly torture of his slave but it seems as though she played a role too...was there ever a penalty against her?

Private User
11/7/2018 at 12:12 AM

I will settle what the majority decides at this point. Dead line for genesis and keeps me busy all day.

These are all my grandparents.


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