Adding currently private profiles

Started by Judith Berlowitz on Thursday, January 9, 2014
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1/9/2014 at 12:32 PM

@Hatte - I notice that Herbert Biberman's profile is private and I just requested that his managers make it public. If you could do the same, it might get accomplished.
Hatte Anne Blejer (finally your name comes up - why not when I started this message??)

1/9/2014 at 12:38 PM

I'll ask re Herbert Biberman also.

Sometimes the pop up is hidden if you are scrolled down.

1/9/2014 at 1:58 PM

It's annoying that a lot of profiles are private of people who are deceased sometimes since more than a hundred or more years.
I frequently asked several managers to make their profiles public and sometimes I succeeded. From time to time you'll find also public profiles beside the same private profiles parallel what makes problems if there are mergers in these trees.
My opinion is, that all profiles of deceased people should be public more or less automatically, otherwise this mass of work of thousands of members will never come to an end, creating the world-tree!!
We should all try to influence new members and members to whom we are closer connected, to work in this way!

1/9/2014 at 2:58 PM

People do sometimes have reasons to keep parents and grandparents private. That is their choice. Where more distant relationships are concerned, I agree with you I have made most of my ancestors public over time. However I don't do that if a profile is the parent or grandparent of of of my cousins, because I leave it up to those who are more closely related.

Well known people are different. While their families can all be private profiles, there are good arguments for making the well known individual's profile public.

1/10/2014 at 7:34 AM

Adding to this thread: I think that at one point Geni made all new profiles private and all the respective managers may not be aware of this. It has certainly happened with my ancestors and I've had to go in and make many profiles public. So asking managers to make profiles public sometimes makes them aware and they do the same with other profiles.

Geni also seems to "decide" if a profile is alive or dead and I was actually threatened with a lawsuit by someone who was listed as "deceased" on my tree!

1/10/2014 at 7:50 AM

As I remember when MH bought Geni, they converted all living profiles to private, unless claimed and managed by the person themselves.

You have to be aware when you are creating profiles in Tree View because they seem to default to whatever the "parent" profile is and it does seem to me that they may default to private. There's an efficient way to go through a family and check the status of all profiles -- in Profile View go to View All Family and there's a toggle to either make each profile public or private.

So you're correct that profiles were made private but only if living. We used to have public living MPs in projects and when they were all turned to private, they could not longer be in projects. So we used to make public profiles for living famous people, using only for instance what was in Wikipedia and in public knowledge.

But I am not aware of any process that would have made deceased profiles private.

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