John Charles Frémont, "The Pathfinder" - The Republican Presidental Campaign of John Charles Fremont...

Started by Alfred "Ed Moch" Cota on Monday, March 10, 2014
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3/10/2014 at 5:10 PM

Though it is posted that I have indirect family association to John Charles Fremont via my ex-spouse, Tanya A. Stewart-Moch, that fact of the matter is, there are also family associations as well during The Mexican-American War.
Regarding The Republican Presidential Campaign of John Charles Fremont, My Great Great Grandfather, Capt. Dexter Mason, who was associated as a Selectman/Assemblyman in The State of New Hampshire during Fremont's Campaign. It became obvious that Capt. Mason deep association would be reflected in the naming of My Great Grandmother and Great Granduncle, after The Fremont's. This was pointed out to me by a regestered genealogist, who thought it unual that he would name both his children after them?
Recently... it has been discovered in a published newspaper article that was written in The Fitchberg Sentinal in 1909, that The Fremont Campaign stopped at Fitchberg, Massachusetts. Though nothing was mentioned about Capt. Dexter Mason... there was mentioned about another individual named Herman J. Lienkaulf, who spoke on behalf of The Fremont German Rebublican Club, at this event. To my pleasure, it turns out that Mr. lienkaif, would turn out to be My Great Greatfather. So by association, it would seem that there is some association with Capt. Dexter Mason just as well?
I will expand on this as over the years, I have performed as "Francisco Cota", A Cousin, who was a witness at The Signing of The Surrender at Campo de Cahuenga, ending The Mexican-American War in California.

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