Luciano rodriguez Valerio - Merchants

Started by Lou on Wednesday, June 18, 2014
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6/18/2014 at 7:06 PM

Family folk oral history, It was preached to the family that his father was a merchant, sailed to the Philippine Islands buy & trade Herbs and Spices.

Grandfather Guillermo Valerio and his wife Candelaria Rodriguez were residing at the port of Bagdad, according to history it was the last open port for the Confederacy,where lots of Europeans came,was once a booming town.This port was demolished by a Hurricane which the newspapers called it " El Castigo de Dios"

The Valerio's must of had a profitable bussiness during the latter part of 1800's to be able to own and operate a ( Buque) steamboat.they had also traveled by steamboat to the Philippines to buy and trade spices,and most likely cotton.

Puerto de Bagdad,Tamaulipas, Mexico during the late 1867 through 188o's had sustained numerous Hurricanes,By 1889 hurricane had closed the Port of Bagdad forever to Merchant ships due to danger of per Gonzalo Ramos,Manuel Humberto, Historia del Puerto de Bagdad Matamoros,Tamaulipas,mexico cronista & cartografo de la H. 2004.

Antonio Express: 17 Sept 1874:
Thus perished from the coast the fabulous Mexican Bagdad on the Rio and it's smaller sister Clarksville on the Texas side.Sand, wind,and wave quickly covered the remaining debris and only the stumps of these dead cities can be found.

Grt Grandfather Guillermo Valerio had drowned, underneath his clothes money wrap as belt around his body was discovered. sierra / Valerio family history.

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