Hendrickje van der Veer - Something is amiss here

Started by Hatte Anne Blejer on Thursday, June 19, 2014
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6/19/2014 at 10:50 AM

There seems to have been a bad merge. Her children are from her husband Isaac Remsen who died 1658. There is a will mentioning his wife Hendrickje and the children, Isaac, Jannetje, Rem, Jacob, Joris, and Catrina.

How is she Hendrickje van der Veer??? This seems to have been the result of a merge and I can't figure out what would have motivated it, but these two need to be separated, the Hendrickje wife of Isaac Remsen and mother of the Remsen children and the one who had van der Veer siblings. And the parents don't go with her having van der Veer siblings either.

Who knows the van der Veer family? Otherwise, I'm going on line and figuring this out and creating a Hendrickje van der Veer profile.

6/19/2014 at 11:14 AM

Okay, I solved this problem. Henrickje van ver Veer was the wife of Isaac Remsen and the mother of (at least) Henrickje, Jannetje, Joris, Jacob, Catrina, and Rem. And I now know that her father went by various names :) Very interesting.

The remaining questions are about her other husband and about Isaac Remsen's other wife and child. I assume that John Remsen is a child not mentioned in the will, but a child of Isaac and Henrickje.

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