Ellen Dawson - Ellen Dawson in th e USA

Started by Peter Dawson on Sunday, August 31, 2014
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8/31/2014 at 9:39 AM

1878 to 1890? - The story goes that William & his wife Margaret emigrated to America taking their (then) four children with them and two died there so they returned home. When they came home they had their son William (No2) on 11th November 1892 so it seems they went to America sometime between 1878 and 1890. William was an engine driver before (from the Tanfield days) and after going to the USA so he may have tried that trade in America. The ships manifest also shows that his brother Joseph, age 34, may have gone with him.
There is no record of the family in the 1881 British census.
According to the 1891 census taken on 31st March 1891 William and his wife Margaret (nee Turley) lived at 37 Monkland Street, Middlesbrough next door to George (his brother) and his sister-in-law Ann (nee Punshon) at No39. William was employed as a locomotive driver and living with them was son, Joseph aged 16 employed as a fireman on loco engines and their daughter Ellen, aged 13.
Monkland Street has since been demolished in a clearance area scheme.
Does anyone know more about this family in America please?

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