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9.9.2014 в 2:55 после полудня

To Those Whom It May Concern,

Well go ahead and get a good laugh while you can.

They say that laughter is the best medicine, and so I'll just have to console myself with the humble self-deception that I am being a "good doctor" by bringing a smile to your collective face, even if it is only one of derision and contempt.

My Grandfather always said, "Beware of those who laugh with you at others, because if they will laugh with you at them, then surely they will also laugh with them at you."

And since I am guilty of engaging in the ridicule of others in Private Group Messages I cannot honestly allow myself to be upset with those who have chosen to get together and share a laugh at my own expense.

But as of this day, I will no longer be contributing to the discord in Discussions, nor will I be participating in Private Group Messages that engage in the "behind the scenes" ridicule of others.

your "cousin",
a connoisseur of human folly,

15.9.2014 в 3:09 до полудня

You know who you are . . .and so do I . . .

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