You know you are really dedicated to genealogy if you..........

Started by Ailene Nechelle House on Sunday, November 30, 2014
11/30/2014 at 3:59 PM

Here's some responses seen to a post in genealogy-related Facebook group
(feel free to add your response to the discussion question)


"If you remember about 100 other people's main surnames"

"Wake up researching and go to bed researching."

"I can make connections between family members by looking at their gedmatches....I can say. Oh I saw your name on his page and vice versa."

"Want to get my genealogy tested for a present."

"If while you are talking to your cousin you are thinking of questions to ask your aunt or uncle."

"If someone asks you "how your genealogy stuff is going" and you recite from memory the names of your 2nd great-grandparents' and their 14 children and who married whom and who lived next door to them that you think were related and...and...then you notice that the person who asked has fallen asleep or walked away."

"Keep banging your head up against the same brick wall."

"Dream about it, in depth."

"When you can't stay away from it for a day! "

"You know you're dedicated when you tell your family about some obscure sibling of a 3x-great grandparent that you found and your excitement is on level ten and your relatives are on level 2. "

"If a surname interests you more than a first name."

"I have dreams in which my tree automatically starts sprouting names; like in that promo."

"When you plan your day but when you sign into your testing company and find a new match who has same locaiton, surnames or high percentage, you completely forget what it was you WERE going to do that day."

"If you go out in public and all you can think about is how many of the people that you're passing that you're probably related to."

"When you look forward to an out-of-town conference because you can research an ancestor."

"Tramp through tick infested bush-woods to locate a grave."

"Have been thrown out of the library more times than u can count.... lol.. closing time."

"Harass the clerks at the courthouses to open up drawers and let u in the basement."

"Dream about dead people."

"Always on the lookout for familiar surnames."

"When you spend an ungodly amount of money to get a copy of some records!"

"Pay for ever family members DNA test!"

"Find walking in cemeteries fun

"Find yourself talking to new cousins online more than the ones your grew up with."

"Walking through, cleaning and documenting cemeteries is the vacation you plan for family

"When you keep a silly grin on your face as you make cold calls to strangers who share surnames of your ancestors and who live in the old ancestral locations."

"When your cousins call you on Thanksgiving and ask how one cousin is related to another cousin and you do not need to look at your tree."

"You're sitting in a boring meeting at work. Instead of taking notes on the meeting, you take notes of things you need to research."

"When you're with a cousin, and in your mind, you keep asking yourself, "I wonder how many cM of DNA we share?"

"Go to sleep hoping you'll dream about an ancestor sharing EVERY birthplace/maiden name/photograph of themselves, their parents, etc., etc."

"When you are a couple of hours into a 12-hour trip (homeward bound) and you CANNOT WAIT to get to your hotel to fire up the laptop and test some research theories that occur to you in the evening rush hour on Route 66 outside of Washington, DC."

"You ignore your "baby" (grown son--no need to call social services--LOL) because you are so involved with the lives of the ancestors. Luckily, he's just as interested as I am. Now, if I could get him to actively research."

"Family members develop a spitting reflex in your presence. LOL!"
Yesterday at 12:37am · Like · 7

"If you take a nap earlier in the evening so that you can wake up in the "midnight hour" because that is when you do your best research."

"Start to realize that you are double related to half the county and can prove it."

" When at Thanksgiving dinner with the family you are thankful for the saliva about to be collected."

"Know how you want your obituary written."

"Thought about how you want your tombstone."

"When you read obituaries of current family members and you are critical because of all the valuable genealogical information that is left out."

"When you are the defacto family historian in the family and everybody sends all genealogy-related questions to you."

"Watch "Finding Your Roots" and then search your families name database to see if you are connected to a person featured in the episode."

"Continue to search for relatives even when your neck is hurting and your fingers are numb!"
20 hrs · Unlike · 8

"When your husband is beginning to worry about you."

"When I read the INDEXES all of my History/Autobiography/Biography books, checking off names to hope they'll connect to me, or someone I know!"

"When you ask everyone you meet where they are from, where their parents are from and where their grandparents are from along with maiden names."

"When your house is full of smoke from cooking and you are on the internet searching for additional information."

"When you come home covered in mosquito bites because you spent all day walking through graveyards."

"When you're incline to start researching on family tree of a random-selected person's obituary from newspaper/internet article/deceased on Forensic Files/ Nightly News, etc (you get the picture )....just to see how far back you can go/make new connections."

"If you are reading this—and commenting—at 3 in the morning."

"If someone asks you what you want for Christmas and you tell them DNA testing kits, one for your grandmother, another for her sister, two for your paternal 2nd cousins, oh and one for the cousins husband... ya know, just in case."

"When you plan your vacation around meeting new relatives/ DNA cousins and educate them about the ancestors."

"Start building trees for other folks because you KNOW some of your family is in there sitting on one of them branches sippin' on some lemonade... just laughin' at yah!"

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