Warsaw Okopowa Cemetery

Started by Seth Morgulas on Thursday, February 5, 2015
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2/5/2015 at 4:17 PM

For those researching Jewish Families of Warsaw, if you don't already know, there are now over 82,000 records of graves from the main Jewish cemetery in Warsaw online http://cemetery.jewish.org.pl/list/c_1 These records often include a wealth of information including photgraphs of gravestones. These can be a critical missing piece to the puzzle to fill in gaps in the B/M/D records. The best way to search is through JRI-poland.org - as the search engine on Virtual Cemetary does not soundex very well. If you enter the surname you are looking for and select Warsaw as your region to search when the results come up you will see "List Records for Warsaw Gubernia" and "List Records for No Specified Region" it is the "No Specifed Region" option that currently has the cemetery listings.

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