Joanna Borden Gay (Unknown) - Johanna Borden Gay, wife of John Borden of Headcorn, Kent and John Gay, founder of Dedham

Started by Hatte Blejer on Wednesday, March 18, 2015
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3/18/2015 at 7:28 PM

I want to go on record that Johanna Gay was NOT the daughter of Matthew Borden of Headcorn, Kent, but rather the wife of his son, John Borden. There is ample evidence for this, which can be seen in the About portion of Joanna, her husband John Borden, and their son, John Borden of Lyme, Connecticut.

I have cleaned up this area of the Borden tree which was quite messy with her shown as the daughter of Matthew Borden, married to a "John Balden" and them in turn being the parents of Joanna Gay, married to John Gay.

See [ Pane-Joyce Genealogy] which cites the evidence.

3/18/2015 at 8:33 PM

thank you for cleaning up that mess on my first cousin 9 times removed's husband's mother i wasn't aware of this..

3/19/2015 at 6:37 PM

I have entered the Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915 birth records of Joana and John Gay's children (that I found on Family Search) in the About section of each member of the family. I notice that the birth dates do not match what is posted on Geni. It is possible the dates that are posted on Geni are the christening dates. Some of the names are not spelled the same as they are on Geni, but that is probably because spellings were not really accurate when they were recorded. If you agree, should I change the birth dates on Geni?

3/19/2015 at 7:36 PM

Wanda Signe Vermeers - thank you, I will take a look.

The Pane-Joyce Genealogy link above was my source since it tends to be well researched.

3/19/2015 at 7:39 PM is the specific page. Check the footnotes - #14 and #185. Both are research of Robert Anderson whose work is generally accepted as the most recent, most authoritative for the families of the Great Migration.

Someone else should comment on Family Search which I believe may or may not be based on primary sources but rather at times on what individuals have asserted.

3/19/2015 at 7:43 PM

Oh, I'm sorry, I meant John Borden and Joanna Gay's children.

I left what was there for John Gay's children. Let's see what we find. You may well be correct!

8/14/2020 at 4:42 PM

Hatte Blejer
How can I add Joanna Hooker's parents? Thanks for your assistance.
(John Gay is my 10th great-grandfather & Joanna Hooker is my 10th great-grandmother).
:) Kristen

8/15/2020 at 1:32 PM

Private - I don't see anything in the material from The Great Migration Begins that is cited in the Overview about Joanna Gay's parents being known. The implication is that she arrived as a married woman with her first husband and that church or other records from America are all we know of her.

Do you have a source that is more recent and is based on documentary evidence for her parents? Robert Charles Anderson is usually the most recent and well researched and reliable source for information on these founding families.

8/15/2020 at 1:36 PM

But since it's known where John Borden came from, it's possible that there could be a marriage record for her, with parents' names.

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