Michelson - Rajgrod, Poland

Started by Barbara E Lovitts on Sunday, October 11, 2015
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10/11/2015 at 6:00 PM


I am related to Szejna Liebe (nee Prygowski, b. ~1858, Suwalki; daughter of Leyzor and Chaya -- I have near complete information on their descendants) and Abram Mortchai MICHELSON (b. ~1859, Augustow; son of Chonel and Gital). They married in Suwalki in 1879 (I have their marriage record). They settled in Rajgrod. I understand that Abram was a clothing designer for wealthy Russians and that they owned two homes.

Five of their seven children (b. ~1880 - 1901), came to the US and changed their last name to Michaelson. I have found the descendants of four of those children. I'm hoping to find the descendants of the 5th as soon as I receive his death certificate -- he was 28 when he died in 1910 and was married.

The other two children, both daughters, remained abroad. While they and their descendants likely perished in the Holocaust, I would love to find out their names and what happened to them.

If you know anything about this Michelson family, I would love to hear from you.



1/13/2016 at 4:06 PM

Hi, my aunt Rosa Michelson Hallermann was the daughter of the sister of my grandmother, Clara Loewenhaupt Weinberg. The Loewenhaupts lived in Neubrandenburg, Prussia. I do not know the first name of her father. Any links? Thanks.

1/14/2016 at 6:12 AM

Hi Julia,

I'm trying to figure out Rosa's lineage. To establish a connection, we would need to know the Michelson parentage. What are Rosa's dates? My relative would have been born in Rajgrod, but could have moved later with a spouse.

The two Michelson girls I'm related to would have been born roughly between 1884 and 1900, and any children they may have had would have been born in the late '00s onward.

My money is one of the girls was named after her paternal grandmother, whose name was Gitla.



5/1/2018 at 5:13 PM

Hi again, Rosa Michelson Hallermann had a brother, Alfred, who perished in Auschwitz with his wife,Meinhard .And their children, I believe. Rosa died in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in the early fifties. Her, already dead, husband had not been Jewish, that is why she made it through WW2. Are you still looking?

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