Yitzchak Ze'ev Soloveitchik - good histories on the family?

Started by Moshe Efraim Ebner on Friday, November 27, 2015
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11/27/2015 at 3:22 AM

hi. I was wondering. I know for a fact that my ancestress was a sister of the Beis Halevi and family lore says her name was Breina. It was because of this close relationship to my great grandmother Z"L(cousins) that Reb Chaim Soloveichik was the mesader kiddushin for her eldest daughter (my grandmother) at her wedding. However beyond that noone seems to have much information about her. Are there any good biographies of the family that might shed more light on this? I realize that the females of the family weren't a great matter of interest to previous Jewish generations but genealogically speaking a daughter DOES have the same bloodline as a son and so I'd kind of like to get whatever info I can on her since it's what connects me to previous generations. If anyone has any good resources to suggest I'd be thankful.

Private User
11/27/2015 at 3:48 AM

the main source on the Beis Halevi is Rav Karlinski " HaRishon LeShoselet Brisk" of Machon Zerushalaim

Private User
11/29/2015 at 1:52 AM

Do you know who Breina was married to?

1/24/2016 at 1:28 AM

Sandra - Breina was married to Yacov Moshe Korobchinsky (in other spellings I've seen Koroptchinska and similar) who was my greatgrandmother's grandfather

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