Sir Warin FitzGerold Michell - Alice's birth date incorrect or Warin's profile confused with his son?

Started by Terry Jackson (Switzer) on Wednesday, December 9, 2015
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12/9/2015 at 4:19 AM

Through looking at inheritance and marriage I have merged duplicate profiles for Alice's husband Warin fitzGerold. He was granted Kingston Lisle House in Oxfordshire in the mid 12th Century and it passed to his brother, Henry, in 1157 so he must have married Alice before this date and yet her birth is stated as after this date. (1166).

It is possible that either Warin's profile has been confused with his son Warin
OR we may be missing a generation.

Opinions sought. (copying this discussion onto both Warin's and Alice's profiles)

12/9/2015 at 4:46 AM

Looking more closely and carefully I think there should be another generation.
According to the souces for Kingston Lisle Warin who married Alice Courci was son of Henry FitzGerold (younger brother of Warin the elder) and Maud de Cheney.

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