Beathach* / Bjadok / Biadak Bertoc (MacGillebride) Gille - Mash up?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, January 2, 2016
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1/2/2016 at 6:45 AM

Who/ where is this profile for Beathach* / Bjadok / Biadak Bertoc MacGillebride Gille, supposed to be?
In the reference below (from the About) - who is the 'great man' who is her father? If Somerled - that's great - but what are the sources for her name then and how does she come to be married to MacHeth?

Når det gjelder Biadoc eller Bjaðok er kildene uenige. I gæliske tradisjon er hun er stormannsdatter fra Sudrøyene, noe som sannsynliggjør Haralds påstander om egen høye byrd. I norsk tradisjon blir hun oppfattet som en frille. Ref.: Knut Peter Lyche Arstad. «Harald 4 Gille». I: Norsk biografisk leksikon; 2. utg. Bd 4. 2002

Regarding Biadoc or Bjaðok the sources disagree. In Gaelic tradition, she is the great man's daughter from Sudrøyene, which substantiates Harald allegations own high birth. In Norwegian tradition she is perceived as a concubine. Ref .: Knut Peter Lyche Gjestgjevarstad. "Harald 4 Gille." I: Norwegian biographical lexicon; 2nd ed. Bd 4. 2002 (Google translate Sharon Jan 2016]

Private User
1/2/2016 at 7:42 AM

In the reference below (from the About) - who is the 'great man' who is her father? If Somerled - that's great - but what are the sources for her name then and how does she come to be married to MacHeth?

Harald Gille was murdered 14 December 1136, but before he died he revealed that he had left a son in Sudrøyene. In 1142 arrived Biadoc from Scotland to Norway and declared that her son was his and born in 1125. Biadoc, was the daughter of Gilledomnan mac Solam, and the son, Öystein 1125-1157 become king of Norway between 1142-1157.
One of the sources are from: Snorre Sturlesons norske Kongers Sagaer, Volym 2

1/2/2016 at 7:58 AM

Thank you Private User.

So this profile needs to be disconnected from here and placed as
- the daughter of Gilledomnan mac Solam,
- the partner of Harald Gille
-The mother of Öystein 1125-1157, who become king of Norway between 1142-1157.

Do I have it correct?

Private User
1/2/2016 at 9:49 AM

Think so, but the dates on her are a bit of, she would have been at least a teenager 13-15, I would set born before 1110 and died after 1142.

1/2/2016 at 11:22 AM

Okay, I've changed her.

Private User
1/3/2016 at 1:35 AM

I hope you have sources to the fact that she had the husbands last name, especially since his "last name" probably is a nickname.

The fact is that we only know her first name, - no dates, no parents etc.

Private User
1/3/2016 at 1:45 AM

Looks like she's been a right mess for a long time.

If she's Gilledomnan's daughter, her last name should be "nic" or "ingen" Gilledomnain (it was only much much MUCH later that proper surnames were adopted, and until then there were masculine and feminine forms of patronymics (and the occasional matronymic when the mother was more important, e.g. Frakokk's daughters).

1/3/2016 at 1:55 AM

Private User, you know what I know - and it's all here on the Discussion.

I haven't changed the name from what it was - on a profile that YOU manage :-)
I've just moved it out of a line it shouldn't be in.
I'd be so grateful if you got it right and took over Curatorship - as per my note on the profile.

3/16/2019 at 12:20 AM
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