Longstreet / Langestraat

Started by Alex Moes on Saturday, January 2, 2016
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1/2/2016 at 4:33 PM

Hi gang,

I'm trying to resolve the parental conflict on Adriaen (Aory) Thyssen Lane.

His profile is currently displaying a patronym "Gysberts" but in Conflicted Data you can see that there is alternately "Matthys".
Matthys Lanen van Pelt is Gysbert Lanen van Pelt's father, so the question is actually which generation does Adrian belong to.

I am really struggling with this one!

Bergen seems to be a bit confused himself in "Register" but seems to favour Matthys, Beekman in "Early Dutch ..." is clear that Gysbert was his father.

Any firm data on Adrian would be a bonus as currently the only actual record i have found is the baptism of his son Henderick.

1/2/2016 at 4:53 PM

One thought that has just occurred to me as i typed is his actual name.

Gysbert's wife's name is Jannetje Adraanse Lambersen (according to Beekman) which could be the source of the name Adrian, BUT Gysbert's oldest son should be named for the paternal grandfather (aka Matt). Gysbert's 2nd and 3rd (per Beekman) sons are both named Matthys which is perfect Dutch style if Adrian is NOT his son, however the two eldest daughters that Beekman lists are Jannetje (presumably for her mother, which is not Dutch) and Willemtje (no idea) so the Dutch naming pattern may not be relevant.

Jannetje has no baptism date so how certian this relationship is I am not sure.

Problematically Matthys Lanen van Pelt is marries Adriaentje Henderick who would be Adrian's mother (if Matthys was his father) so potentially Adrian could be named for her! It's not typical to name a boy for a female and in any case he could be named for her either as a son or a grandson!

On balance it would be more typical for the name to be from the maternal grandfather suggesting Gysbert is the father but VERY circumstantial. If it wasn't for Matthys' wife i feel a lot better but in reality the families of the women are very under represented on Geni and the Lanen van Pelt family still looks to be a horrible mess.

1/2/2016 at 6:50 PM

Not sure why i called the discussion Longstreet?

Adrian's "sister" married Stoffel "Theopolis" Langestraat which was why i was looking in Monmouth County.

1/2/2016 at 9:07 PM


An excellent article on Ariaen Lane was published by Fred Sisser III in
his "Somerset County [NJ] Genealogical Quarterly", volume 6, number 3,
pages 59-66 (September 1988).


Fuller details on the "European Origins of Adriaen Lamberts Smith and the
Brothers Lanen Van Pelt" are given in "New Netherland Connections", volume
4, number 1, pages 1-12 (February 1999).

3/14/2016 at 12:35 PM

I just saw this. I've mostly been working on the Jersey Settlement, founded by many of the Monmouth families, and I have a lot of sources for them. I was just thinking about going back to Monmouth soon and collecting good sources and cleaning up those families, including Lane.

Have you looked also at gravestones and find a grave? That and biographies have helped me figure out who belongs to whom, given the repetition of given names, the large families, and the intermarriage.

You can't always rely upon Beekman and other such sources.

I'm STILL looking for my family in Monmouth County. They grew up there according to my great grandmother. Then I have them in Cumberland County which was settled by many of the Monmouth County / L.I. families; then in the Jersey Settlement; and then in Indiana where some of the families went from Ohio.

My family is probably part Dutch part British Isles. I dead end at my 4th great grandparents Sally Davis married 1) Timothy Bennett and 2) William Mints. All supposedly of Freeport, marriages early 1800s in Cumberland County and then found in the Jersey Settlement and/or in Indiana. Their children married Conover (Couvenhoven). I have Schenck DNA matches so it's fairly sure that either Sarah (Sally) Davis or William Mints were Dutch or part Dutch from Monmouth / L.I. Dutch families (Lane, Couvenhoven, Schenck). My Scots Irish side (Ainsworth, Petticrew) lived with and married the Dutch side by side in Virginia or Ohio and my ggg grandfather Algernon Sidney Petticrew worked for a famous Lane descendant, as well as married a Mints, raised by Conover. That's why I'm working settlements such as Monmouth County and Jersey Settlement. Once we get the majority of documented families in shape, we can fill in.

I just bought -- Roster of the People of Revolutionary Monmouth by the way. Also got a hardcopy of Beekman but it's unreadable.

3/14/2016 at 12:47 PM

I need a Dutch name cheat sheet too. I have been doing a lot of merges in the Monmouth / Warren County families and while I'm pretty good, the proliferation of name variants can be a challenge.

Also at a certain point they start to assimilate, used married names for women, Anglicize their names, etc.

3/14/2016 at 1:33 PM

Alex Moes - I was merging in a Lane family from Warren County and unintentionally chose parents for your Adrian Lane just now. I wouldn't have noticed except that I had read this discussion an hour earlier.

I can undo until this gets settled. I'm looking at the same sources you are by the way and I wonder whether we want a linked project for Hunterdon and Somerset Counties? What do you think?

3/14/2016 at 3:21 PM

Teunis Jansen Laenen van Peelt meaning from the Peel arrived in the ship Rose Tree from Liege Netherlands now Belgium in 1663 and his descendants took the name of Van Pelt His brother Matthias came with him and his descendants retained the name Lane.


3/14/2016 at 3:36 PM

But you know that :) I didn't.

This guy might be worth writing to: http://www.veerhuis.org. He has Adrian as son of Gybert. I have no idea if he paid much attention to that part of his database however or what his sources were.

3/14/2016 at 3:46 PM

Hatte Anne Blejer
I am surprised to see i wrote all this only 6 weeks ago, i remember the confusion but it seems like so long ago.
I have not looked any further than what i have posted here, i don't think ive looked at find-a-grave but that is a good suggestion.

I simply dont know who the father is, we could leave as is, possibly with a curator note? Or revert to conflict and probably never resolve it? I just dont know how to handle this one.

3/14/2016 at 3:56 PM


Somerset County Historical Quarterly Volume II.— 1913]

This issue discusses the children of Gysbert and of Matthys. It seems that Adrian Lane of Readington was the son of Matthys, not Gysbert.

Adrian, the son of Gysbert disappeared although he was alive at the time of his father's will, but he did not move to Monmouth County from Somerset.

Adrian Lane was the founder of Readington so to me it seems that the Somerset County Historical Quarterly would get his lineage correct.

3/14/2016 at 4:21 PM

http://njgsbc.org/files/BCFamilies/BCFam-Lane.pdf opts for Gysbert, not Matthys...

His sources:

---Sources: Information online Aug 1999 and Jan 2002 from Dorothy Koenig <dkoenig@library.berkeley.edu> citing article on Ariaen Lane, published by Fred Sisser III in his "Somerset County [NJ] Genealogical Quarterly", volume 6, number 3, pages 59-66 (September 1988);

Honeyman, A., Van Doren, “The Lane Families of Somerset County and Vicinity” in Somerset County Historical Quarterly, A. Van Doren Honeyman, Editor, Vol. 2, 1913, No. 2, p. 117;

Baptisms in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York [City], 1901 (Collections of the NY Genealogical & Biographical Society, Vol. III)

3/14/2016 at 6:06 PM

>This issue discusses the children of Gysbert and of Matthys. It seems
>that Adrian Lane of Readington was the son of Matthys, not Gysbert.

Seems straight forward enough.

>Adrian, the son of Gysbert disappeared although he was alive at the
>time of his father's will, but he did not move to Monmouth County from

So there are two Adrian Lanes, one Mattysz and the other Gysbertsz?

>Adrian Lane was the founder of Readington so to me it seems that the
>Somerset County Historical Quarterly would get his lineage correct.

Now you lost me again, which Adrian founded Readington?

I guess the basic take away is that there are, in their opinion, two Adrians. That would certainly be common given the restrictive naming custom but i'd have to look at it all over again to see if that was a conclusion i'd agree with. If you think it is correct then I'd accept that as my boss rather prefers me not to be researching Dutch American settlers during work hours :)

IF there are two Adrians i think we should add another proifle for Adrian 2 and MP them both with curator notes to warn against merging then we need to check if we are we confident that his wives/children as currently shown are correct of if some perhaps belong to A2.

3/14/2016 at 6:45 PM

I MPed the first and I will create a second and MP it.

I think it is correct.

The 1913 journal article mentions a will of Gysbert that lists his son Adriaen in the same article where it lists Adriaen as a son of Matthys and gives lots of detail on him. He's quite important and there are quite a few records related to him.

I suppose I could also write to the Readington Historical Society :)

Yes, I will check the children. Probably tomorrow or Wednesday.

3/14/2016 at 7:40 PM

Still thinking myself. I created two profiles for the time being.

Look at the names of the CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN of Adrian when you have time. This article which agrees with Fred Sisser and not Honeyman lays them out well.

3/14/2016 at 9:22 PM

Following your latest link to Wardell gives me the impression that the grandson of Matthys was the founder of Readington:

"... by 1711 he went to the vicinity of Readington, Hunterdon
Co., near the borders of Somerset. He was the first Lane to go to this part of New Jersey, thus antedating those who went to
Bedminster in Somerset by a third of a century. Adriaen, at Readington, founded the large line of Lanes of that vicinity.
On Oct. 9, 1711, he purchased of John and Catherine Van Horn, of New York City..."

His second wife was a van Horn so presumably related to the previous owners of the land.

Anyway my point being that this conflicts with what you have written in the profiles, ie: Matthys son founded Readington.

3/14/2016 at 10:18 PM

I have moved the patronyms into the first name field to make it a bit easier (for me at least) to tell them apart.

Adrian Gysbertse Hendricks Laenen

3/14/2016 at 10:21 PM

I notice that both Honeyman(?) and Wardell list a wife with the name Jannetje but Honeyman(?) shows her as a daughter of Ferdinad van Sicklen whereas Wardell shows her as a widow of Reinier van Sicklen and daughter of Cornelis van Horn.

I wonder if there are two Jannetjes, one a van Sicklen the other a van Horn?

3/14/2016 at 11:59 PM

Here's the wife, that Wardell is citing for Adrian G, in her previous marriage:

1687 26 Mar; Reynier van Sickelen, jm van N. Amersfoort; Janneken van Hooren, wid, [NA DRC marriages 1639-1801]

1687 26 Mar; Rynier VanSiglen, ym of N. Amersfort; Janetje VanHoorn, wid Joseph Hopper (Heg), liv NY [Flatbush DRC Marriage Records 1677-1757]

3/15/2016 at 12:05 AM

Her she is on Geni with the first two husbands but no indication of Adrian, Jannetje Van Hoorn.

Her husband, Reinier van Sicklen, is the brother of Adrian Matthys' wife - on Geni at least.

3/15/2016 at 6:59 AM

I put the patronymics in first name field in Hebrew and Arabic but I hadn't noticed yet what people were doing for Dutch.

I'll look into the two Jannetjes. It's a shame that there are few sources on this family for this era, but I suspect they've combed all the possible sources of documentation.

3/15/2016 at 3:29 PM

Dutch naming convention never uses the Middle name field for anything:


Of course not everyone always follows the convention (not even the signatories to it)

Patronym either goes in the first or last name field depending on the situation, especially what other info you have. Personally if there is a last name i put patronym in first name field, if there is no last name that i am aware of i put patronym in last name field.

3/15/2016 at 5:20 PM

That makes sense to me. Of course when I was merging the patronymics were often in the middle name field :)

1/3/2017 at 7:17 PM
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