To do list

Started by Bill Barnes on Saturday, May 21, 2016
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5/21/2016 at 8:20 AM

I am pleased to see the Hood family are already on here and linked in. June and I have dug up most of the profiles that are easy to find and added them in but there may be others lurking and I suspect we'll only find them as we work through the list later on.

What do we need at the moment? Well I suppose we need the most notable members of the crew first, three of whom have Wikipedia entries and all of them will be mentioned in the WW2 part of the story on the project front page:

Captain Ralph Kerr [ Wikipedia]
Vice Admiral Lancelot Holland [ Wikipedia]

The survivors:

Ted Briggs - the last survivor [ Ted Briggs]
William Dundas
Robert Tilburn

As my wife's uncle was on the Vice Admiral's staff, I'll work on this one (I say "I" but it is my son who will do the hard work - he'll eventually sign up his own account but is mainly working through mine). It should be possible to sketch out quick starter entries for all five and then anyone can pitch in. Or pick another member of the crew. If you do flag up what you are working on so we don't duplicate efforts.

We'll also contact the Hood Association and point them to this project.

Anything else that needs doing beyond the crew's family trees?

Good to be working with you all.

5/21/2016 at 9:56 PM

OK they've all been sketched out:

Captain Ralph Kerr, CBE

Vice-Admiral Lancelot Ernest Holland, CB

Lieutenant Ted Briggs, MBE

Lieutenant-Commander William Dundas

Robert (Bob) Ernest Tilburn

When the survivors are split off I'll sort out William Dundas, who is the easiest to do, and I'll keep working on the Vice Admiral to see if I can get his tree to hook into the Big Tree.

Robert Tilburn is a little trickier - his mother was a Lilley and I assume he had an earlier marriage:

There seems to be a tree on Ancestry which might give some pointers that'll push the tree back (I am not on there so someone else will need to look it up):

I'm struggling with Ted Briggs, it seems his mother was a Ball and his father died three months before he was born (so we can work backwards from that - the registration district for Redcar is Guisborough):

If someone else could look into his family tree that'd be much appreciated.

Private User
5/22/2016 at 12:28 AM

Great progress Bill, thank you! ~There is lots to do so as many hands on deck would be good!

Private User
5/22/2016 at 12:38 AM

In the absence of copyright free images of people, or until we get permission (hopefully!) to use the images on the Hood Association webpages, please link any profiles to the image of HMS Hood linked to the project. If you need help doing this please message me. There is no need to re-load the image multiple times - people can be tagged to the one image. I will have a go at Robert Tilburn later today unless someone else wants to?

5/22/2016 at 8:05 AM

OK will do (I'd forgotten about the tagging trick). The Hood Association site is quite strict on image use (just try right clicking on any of the entry pages) and I assume that is because they've been given permission by family members to show the photographs on their site, so they can't give us permission. I will ask, but our best chance is getting the word out and hoping family members will add their photos in.

Private User
5/22/2016 at 8:15 AM

The image use is understandable - we just need to be vigilant about it and not abuse copyright.

5/22/2016 at 12:51 PM

Well there is always "fair use" which is how you can add photographs of the deceased on Wikipedia. Also if you have a look at the licensing for the Vice Admiral's image on Wikipedia, UK Government photos before 1957 and photos published before 1966 are considered public domain:

So there are other angles to explore.

Private User
5/22/2016 at 4:18 PM


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