Aucke Janse van Nuys - Recent discovery about Aucke Van Nuys' parents

Started by Private User on Saturday, June 4, 2016
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Map of the county Buren, Atlas Maior 1665 © Wikimedia Commons, PDM
Private User
6/4/2016 at 4:11 AM

quoting: by Elizabeth A. Johnson (2012)

"The father and brother of Aucke Jans Van Nuys of Flatbush, NY were Jan Aukes, and Goosen Jans van Nuys of Amsterdam.

This will be of interest not only to Van Nuys researchers but also to descendants of two branches of the Dutch Bennets, to Reyniers, Fonteyn, Dorland, Voorhees, Wyckoff and Billiou families, as well as to Okeson descendants and many others.

This discovery came about after working with Renee Dauven on translating a group of the Flatbush town records. At one point I had occasion to check my notes here for Auke Jans van Nuys, a carpenter who came to the Dutch colonies about 1651. Then seeing that Auke had come there from Amsterdam, I looked up his marriage record in the Amsterdam archives. The marriage records of Amsterdam have only been available online since around January 2012, so before then, unless someone personally visited the archives and found the right fiche to read and transcribe (or hired someone to do so), the full text of Auke Jans van Nuys' marriage record would have been unknown.

It seems that at one time it was thought Auke Jans van Nuys' parents were Jan Goosens and Ebelken Hermans, a couple from northern coastal Friesland, who married in Amsterdam in 1606 [SAA DTB 412:114]. I don't know the original source of the Jan Goosens – Ebelken Hermans hypothesis, but it's online in several places, and it's incorrect, according to what I have found in 1640's and 1650's records in Amsterdam.

Now Auke Jans Van Nuys descendants (surnames above and others) might like to update their details on these early ancestors, and note the van Nuys cousins and their aunts, uncles and grandparents who lived in Amsterdam. In the marriage record of Auke Jans van Nuys and Magdalena Pieters, I found in a marginal note that Auke Jans van Nuys had a brother Goosen Jans van Nuys, who was Auke's marriage assistant (witness), and that Auke had come from Nuis, a village in the province of Groningen. Auke's marriage intention was recorded in Amsterdam on March 25, 1645."

Aucke Janss from the [village of] Nuis, house carpenter apprentice, assisted with the proof of his mother's consent, age 23 years, living in the Egelentierstraet, and Magdalena Pieters of Alckmaer living as above, 22 years, assisted with her mother Adrian[tje] Arents.
[margin] 3 Banns commencing the 8 April. And [he] assisted with his brother Goosen Jans, to bring in his mother's legal consent. Consent had gone to Commissioners van Looy & Blaeu the 22 April and can continue, & of the banns, the 3 banns before the 23 April.

Map of the county Buren, Atlas Maior 1665 © Wikimedia Commons, PDM
Private User
6/4/2016 at 4:38 AM


"Then checking the marriage record of Auke's brother Goosen Jans van Nuys, I found that he had also come to Amsterdam from Nuis, Groningen, Nederlands, and had married the previous year. Goosen's marriage intention was recorded in Amsterdam on March 30, 1644.

Goosen Janss vande Nus goutdraettrecker woon inde Lelydwarstraet out 30 jaer, geassist~ met syn oom Benning Wyma & Susanna van Heck van A geasst~ met Susanna van Heck opde Bloemgracht
[signed] Gose Jans, Susanne van Heck
[Stadsarchief Amsterdam DTB 460, p.309]

Translation: Goosen Janss from the [village of] Nuis, drawer of gold threads, living in the Lelydwarstraet, age 30 years, assisted with his uncle Benning Wyma, & Susanna van Heck of A[msterdam], assisted with Susanna van Heck, [living] on the Bloemgracht.
[signed] Gose Jans, Susanne van Heck

Goosen's witness, Benning Wyma, was a very successful businessman. Originally a house carpenter, he was from Grootegast, a village near Nuis in the Dutch province of Groningen. Benning Wyma was noted in this marriage intention as being Goosen's uncle. Therefore either Jan van Nuys (Auke's and Goosen's father) had been married to a sister of Benning Wyma, or someone in an earlier generation from one of these two families had married someone from the other family. Or Benning Wyma's first wife's sister had married Auke and Goosen Jans van Nuys' father. The last possibility here is the most unlikely, since Benning Wyma's first wife (and mother of his children) was Meijke Asia, and the Asia name (a Dutch given name for males) does not come down as the name of a son of Auke or Goosen. In addition, Benning Wyma's brother Barent had for his marriage witness one Lammetje Goosens, called his 'moeye' (aunt) [SAA DTB 432, p.79], indicating that the Goosen ancestor connected in the generation previous to that of Benning Wyma and Jan Aukes, the Van Nuys brothers' father."

If I understand this explanation, the correct mother of Aucke (born c. 1612) is LAMMETJE GOOSENS (not Ebelken Hermans)

10/6/2016 at 8:16 PM

I missed this Discussion but actually just found the same website while looking for something else.

Erica Howton

10/11/2016 at 11:58 AM

This is an old discussion.


If I remember well, the author, Ms. Johnson finally retracted of the many questionable assumptions she made when making this "new discovery".

10/11/2016 at 3:50 PM

The response from the author (via Michael) was that Auke's mother is unknown, that is not her retracting anything.

10/11/2016 at 8:02 PM

Private User i do not think that you can conclude Lemmetje Goosens is Aucke's mother, reading the above she would i think be one generation older.

Benning is Aucke's uncle so if Barent is Bennings brother that makes Benning Aucke's uncle also (there are variations where technically this would not be true but in a general sense it works). So if Lammetje is Barent's aunt then she can't also be Aucke's mother.

I am assuming here that Benning and Barent are maternal uncles. If Lammetje was Aucke's mother that would make her Barent's sister not his aunt.

10/11/2016 at 9:07 PM

Side note: i think Wyma/Wijma is a surname rather than a patronym.

Aside from the name Wyma i have found two instances where Benning uses a different name, 1x Jeus and 1x Jorisz, i think that this is an indication that Benning's father is named Joris Wyma but at this point whether Wyma in his case is a surname or a patronym is unknowable.

One piece of supporting evidence for my opinion is that Benning's children use the name Wyma in conjunction with Bennings, obviously Bennings is their patronym so that makes sense but the use of the name Wyma cannot be a patronym for them so must be a family name in their generation. It is possible that the transition from patronym to family name is when Benning moves from Groningen to Amsterdam but the hint that Benning's patronym is actually Jorisz suggests otherwise.

To me this is important because it supports the supposition that Benning is a MATERNAL uncle of Aucke and Goosen, otherwise why would they not use the family name of Wyma if it is already established within their family? The use of van Nuis as a family name by Goosen and Aucke to me says that prior to leaving Gronigen the two men did not have a family name, in a small village their Jansz patronym was sufficient, so they are related but not a part of the Wyma family.

Further, while i do not know the source of the claim, if Benning is from Grootegast (which is indeed "near" Nuis) then it does not appear that the brothers Aucke and Goosen are from the same village.

10/11/2016 at 10:10 PM

Something which does not gel is the wording of Aucke’s banns, “assisted with his brother Goosen Jans, to bring in his mother's legal consent”. There are several implications from this:
a) why would she not give permission in person? Presumably their mother is not living in Amsterdam.
b) Why specifically their “mother” rather than their “parents”? Presumably their father is deceased.

Or is the father present at the wedding so no one needs to “bring his consent”, but if so why would he not represent his wife rather than Goosen doing it?
I suppose it is possible that their father is alive but unable to give permission… perhaps away with the VOC? If indeed he is deceased then that destroys the theory that the witness at Aucke’s son’s baptism , Jan Auckes, is the father of Aucke Jansz.

10/11/2016 at 10:11 PM
Map of the county Buren, Atlas Maior 1665 © Wikimedia Commons, PDM
Private User
10/12/2016 at 6:38 AM

Thanks for all this. I appreciate your determination with this topic.
I'm at a bit of a loss as I'm not as well versed in many aspects of this research.

10/15/2016 at 5:00 PM

I have started a new discussion with a more relevant title, perhaps it will not engage more users at present but in the future it might be more obvious a space for this debate:

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