DNA Integration Superthread

Started by Mike Stangel on Thursday, June 30, 2016
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Yes, so important folks understand -
If for example you bought and paid for the DNA Test for your father and you manage that Kit --
you should not link it to your profile, but to your father's profile.
Ask if you do not understand how to do that, or see that it has accidentally been attached to your Profile instead and do not know how to fix

In case others have not discovered this --

Lists in drop down menu from Family
Change Group to Descendants
In Filters, choose "With DNA Data

Then for Focal Person choose any Public Profile and it will give you a list of Profiles on Geni that are descendants of that person and have DNA linked to their kit.

A friend (Viktoras) asked for help connecting 23andme results to his Geni branch. https://customercare.23andme.com/hc/en-us/articles/212196868-Access... - has: "We have temporarily disabled raw data download as an additional precaution to protect your privacy. We don't currently have a timeline for when this feature will become available but will keep customers informed of any changes."

  1. anyone knows how long that has been in effect?
  2. can you still Upload 23andme to FTDNA? - https://help.familytreedna.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402047942799-Add-... - has Note: Until further notice, FamilyTreeDNA is not accepting 23andMe© autosomal transfers.
  3. is the only option waiting for 23andme to resume Raw Data downloads - and Upload it to FTDNA
    1. or 23andme raw data > MyHeritage - followed by upload > FTDNA?

Peter Rohel (c)

This has been going on since the big credential-stuffing hack at 23 & Me that was reported last October.

Because of the relatively weak login procedures at 23 & Me (no two-factor authentication; use of e-mail as login), one or more bad actors were able to gain access to at least 14,000 and possibly many more accounts by guessing the password and login, and once they gained access, they were able to download the raw DNA data as well as scrape all the other information (family tree, location, matches, matching segments, etc.), thereby also gaining information on their relatives. According to news reports, this information was targeted especially at people of Jewish and of Chinese descent, with information on Jewish people sold on to Iran. For more details, see these posts at Roberta Estes's Genetic Genealogy blog: https://dna-explained.com/2023/10/29/23andme-dna-relatives-connecti... and https://dna-explained.com/2023/12/21/whats-changed-autosomal-dna-ve...

In the wake of the report of this breach, 23 & Me has of course been hit with class action lawsuits, so any further moves by the company are likely to be governed by their lawyers.

At present, there is no way to verify whether your raw DNA data file was actually downloaded by you, or by the bad actor. That is why no other company will at present accept an upload of a raw DNA file from 23 & Me - because is it really you uploading that file, or the bad actor posing as you and trying to fish out more people of Jewish or Chinese descent?

Until 23 & Me can introduce protocols to assure other vendors that a download was done only by the true owner of that particular account, this is not likely to change.

Private User - thank you for your detailed explanation. I will pass it on to my friend - who will certainly be disappointed for now, but move on to his other genealogy projects.

A few days left -- if you have tested someplace but do not have DNA results at MyHeritage - thru March 10, 2024 you can use those results to get results at MyHeritage and see all your matches there - free as always - but also free forever are all those features that would otherwise require an unlock fee.

"Special promotion: all advanced DNA features are free forever for DNA data uploaded this week!

Showing 1381-1386 of 1386 posts

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