Benjamin Mitchell - Pauline Mitchell Pierce-Via line

Started by pauline via on Wednesday, July 27, 2016
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7/27/2016 at 7:15 PM

Pauline Mitchell > Charlie Guy Mitchell (my father) > Charlie Crustavis Mitchell (my g.father) > David Jonathan Mitchell (my g.g.father) >
Nathaniel Loomis Mitchell (my g.g.g.father) > David Mitchell (my g.g.g.gfather)> Col. George Mitchell (my g.g.g.g.gfather) > Abraham Mitchell & Keziah (Hunter) Mitchell my g.g.g.g.g.gparents > I have a deed that documents this, Abraham & Ann Mitchell my g.g.g.g.g.g.gparents > Abraham & Mary Mitchell he died 28 Nov. 1696 in York Co, VA.

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