Rotilde of the Franks - Rotrude? Richilda? Regentrude?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Friday, July 29, 2016
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Profiles Mentioned:

7/29/2016 at 12:36 PM

This profile is named "Rotilde des Francs."
It's About says only :"By Richilda, his wife, Lyderic Le Buck had fifteen children. His descendants who for fourteen generations after his death governed Flanders."

Has it been misplaced?
Is this supposed to be Regintrude (below)?

DAGOBERT m secondly ([629/30]) NANTECHILDIS, sister of LANDEGISEL, landowner in Limousin, daughter of --- (-[645]).
King Dagobert I & his second wife had [four] children:
* REGINTRUDIS . The De Rebus Treverensibus sæculi VIII-X Libellus names "Ludewicum et tres filias…Regindrudim, Irminam, Adelam" as the children of King Dagobert and "regina…Nantilde", specifying that Regintrudis was married but giving no details about her husband[421]. A charter dated 1 Apr 685, classified as spurious in the collection, of "Adela…abbatissa Dagoberti regis quondam filia" purports to record her donation to the monastery "in villa Palatiolo in ripa Mosellæ" and names "germana mea Regentrude"[422]. No reference to the three supposed sisters Regintrudis, Irmina and Adela, or to their supposed parentage, has yet been found in near contemporary sources. There must be some doubt whether they were historical figures or, if they were, that they were the children of King Dagobert & his second wife. m ---.]

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