Hi Ernest,
Yes, I believe so. They are both mentioned in Kiikanoja's Porvari in Kiikka between 1694 and 1701: http://users.utu.fi/isoi/talot/kiikka.htm
Best Regards,
Hi Teppo,
Thank you for reply. I live near Austin Texas. I recently found out I had a close Ydna match with a Jyrki Lohikoski. A family member stated that Lohikoski, goes back to an ancestor called Simon Sigfridsson Porwari born 1643, died 25.5.1723. His wife was Margareta (1637-1717). My haplogroup is R-U106. Within R-U106 I belong to a small branch called L127. FTDNA has only predicted Mr Lohikoski at a higher level of R-M269. But I believe if he tests further down he will be found to be L127 or a level above. L127 is within a major branch of R-U106 called DF98 or "the King's Cluster". R-U106 is found the heaviest around the fringes of the North Sea. I'm excited and proud that my first overseas match is in that area of the world. Thank you for the information you have provided.
Kind regards
Hi Ernest,
Great to hear about your success in finding your family roots!
I've also tried to find more information about my paternal line with YDNA, but unfortunately there have been no close matches yet. I've added my paternal line to Geni for quite a many generations, but I'm not sure about some information in parish books few generations ago. It would be nice to have some proof for or against it :)
Let's keep in touch and let me know if you need any more information!
Best Regards,
Huittisten Villilän Torkkelista ei löydy Maisaan sopivia syntyneitä
Talonhaltijanluettelon mukaan syntynyt 1631 https://users.utu.fi/isoi/talot/kiikka.htm
Kuolleiden luettelon mukaan 1637
http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=9108769 .
Vihittyjen luettelossa nimi on "Maisa",
joloin saattaisi olla SAY:ssa mainittu Maisa, pg
Jos ikää vihittäesä oli jo vähän enemmän, mahtoiko olla Maisan ensimmäinen avioliitto? Kiikan Hannulasta tai Eskolasta en häntä löydä.