Jordan de Sheppey - Northwood story about Jordan de Sheppey's ancestors

Started by Anne Brannen on Saturday, September 3, 2016
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In the About section of this profile, there is a story about Jordan being actually Alnod Cilt, son of Harold Godwinson, and it's lovely and romantic, but it doesn't actually hold water, not just because he doesn't show up in the history books, under either name, as a son of Harold's, but since he was born decades after Harold's death. According to this profile.

But it shows up as the foundational story of the family, in a genealogy of the family written in 1962 by Marian Norwood Callam, which is why it's getting repeated here.

things I have actually found:

Alnod Cilt is called a "Thane of King Edward's," in the Domesday Book:

and here he is again:

So he WAS alive when Harald was alive, though there certainly isn't any clear connection of him to Edward, except as thane, not as grandson.

Whether the story of Alnod Cilt (real human being! Actually existed! During the time of William the Conqueror!) changing his name to Jordan de Sheppy on account of bathing in the Jordan river whilst on crusade --whether that story has any basis in fact I myself do not believe, because Jordan de Sheppy (real human being! Lived in Sheppey!) was alive, AS INDEED OUR PROFILE STATES, about a hundred years later.

Mention of the fiction about the crusader taking the name Jordan:,_Roger_de_(DNB00)

What might well be the beginning of the fiction that Jordan and Alnod are the same person, 1900 (our Victorian historian seems not to have been working out the chronology):

At any rate.

This profile, Jordan de Sheppey, did exist, and he existed at the time given in the profile.

But, as far as I can tell, there is no evidence that he is either Alnod Cilt, or even descended from him.

Alnod Cilt did exist, but there is no evidence that he was the son of Harold Godwinson, or even Harold's brother, which some people have also speculated.

So what I think is that we should take out, in all the Northwood profiles, the story in the About section about Harold Godwinson, and add in a note concerning the story.

I should explain that the reason this all came up is that this morning I had to disconnect a duplicate of this profile from Harold Godwinson, and then started trying to figure out what had happened.

Great piece of research . Mind you Harold II is alleged to have had any number of children?

I'm glad there was some reason put to the unlinking of King Harold from this line. I was quite disappointed when I first started doing my research that so many didn't seem to think it odd that the dates didn't match up.

You've done a good job of putting forth your argument. I hope this and the blog that was mentioned will now get people to realize the truth about this. Besides, who cares whether you're related to a king or queen. I believe having correct genealogy trumps any famous person you might be related to, any day.

I have been researching Harold for a number of years and have found a Saracen Nurse who not only healed him of his injuries after the battle, but had a daughter by him. I have traced some of his travels after the battle and places he stayed. I am now researching the possibility that Sweyn, his older brother, was father to Hakon Sweynson by Eadgifu the Abbess of Leominster in 1046. The evidence that Harold survived is pretty strong. I have found a family whose great, great grandmother held strongly to the belief that her family were from Sheppy, and were related to Harold. Their family name was Norwood, and they are from Oswerstry..

What are your sources?

The research I have collected together is in a book I have yet to publish, explaining the search and all findings plus an historical novel based on my findings, and a documentary that will happen hopefully later this year or some time after this virus has been controlled so I have been told. Some confirmation of the validity of my findings I feel may come with the uncovering of a Saxon grave in Waltham. This we all hope,(TV company and myself) will go some way to confirming our findings, if the grave is that of a 85-90 yr old man 6' 1"" with trauma damage to his left eye socket, scull and thigh bone, with a DNA match to the Godwin family. The grave we discovered through GPR which I arranged. I am a stone mason, and historian. I discovered symbols in the ancient stonework indicating a royal, of importance was in line with a particular section of the markings, along with other references from such as the continuator for Master Wace place the unmarked grave position exactly in line with marks in the wall, and as described in his 12th century document. I have discovered a14th century Latin script that confirms Harold's survival, and that of his brother, Gurth. My wife who worked many years before her retirement, with Military intelligence and I followed the leads and found the Moor/ Saracen nurse who healed Harold. I am sorry that I cannot reveal too much as the team want it to have an impact on its release.

Very interesting!

But we can't use the info on Geni, of course, since the sources are secret.

Of course, I just found the posts fitted in with the research we have been involved in over the past 8 years. I found the end of this thread in Waltham where I lived for 35 years and followed it over most of Great Britain and Europe. Having a friend who is a Latin professor has helped. Asking the right questions works well if you are on the right track. After 900 years there can be no definitive answers, but, it is interesting!

I am a Norwood in Charleston SC that has always been super curious about our family history and have been met with a lot of vague info. i have traced our lineage back to Kent and my DNA also traces to Geneva. That lead me into learning about the Geneva bible and the Apocrapha which was never told or explained to me. I now find that not many people even know about the Geneva bible and its roots in the birth of America as we know it. I love learning and connecting dots that our ancestors left for us.

Edith the Fair, handfast wife of Harold Godwin (King) I believe lived at North wood on the ‘sheep island’ (Sheppy) near the Minster, with Harold’s youngest son, and, for a while with Gurth, Harold’s younger brother who it was said had died at Senlac Hill in 1066. At a meeting with King Henry I as an old man at Woodstock Oxford Gurth said that Harold was with them for a while but as more locals recognised him then he left the family and it was much later they heard he had died in Chester. (Cestre) The Godwins line continued through Harold’s youngest son, Godwyn becoming one of the leading nobles of Kiev Rus owning titles and land in Ukraine and Poland.

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