Is it possible to create a GEDCOM from my entire family tree?

Started by Private User on Monday, July 3, 2017
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Private User
7/3/2017 at 7:33 AM

I have purchased new software to store my genealogy information on my home computer and would like to transfer the information from my Geni tree. Is it possible to create a usable GEDCOM from my entire Geni tree?

Private User
7/3/2017 at 8:16 AM

All 114,933,383 profiles? - No

Everyone's limit is four times the profiles he/she have contributed with to avoid people joining just to export a GEDCOM of others work.

Private User
7/4/2017 at 6:41 AM

Has anyone used the GEDCOM exporter with the software program Legacy 9? This is the program I am planning to use to store the information on my own computer. I have used FamilyTreemaker 2010 in the past, but the GEDCOM files it creates are basically unusable. It just makes a mess.

7/5/2017 at 3:55 PM

It is 21 years since GEDCOM standard was last updated. So we have to live with how it is working. Every genealogical program that can import files can import gedcoms, but every program also have differences in which gedcom tags they use. Most of them import the basic gedcom tags with no problems, but all the tags used by the exporting program that the importing program doesn't use, will only be written to a file so you can add them correctly manually at a later time. This will also happen when you import a gedcom file to Legacy that is made from a Geni export.

Private User
7/5/2017 at 9:46 PM

And the most important part: A GEDCOM is a plain text file, i.e. no images and documents are included, - a GEDCOM from Geni does however include web links to those files, and if you are lucky the program you import the GEDCOM into might be able to download those files.

There is however security issues at the Geni servers that blocks the connection if getting too many requests within a short period, so you might end up downloading the images and documents one by one.

Private User
7/6/2017 at 4:16 AM

Thank you both for your valuable input.

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