Major John West, of Gloucester, VA - There are Andersons in the Pamunky FTDNA project with very thorough documents leading back to Maj John West of Chowanoke.

Started by Private User on Sunday, July 9, 2017
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Private User
7/9/2017 at 9:23 PM

Interesting evidences of the reservation period with the Pamunky and the Chowanoke being, at least to an extent, being "pan-algonquian" communities. If you look at the 1657 Cumberford map, you will find Katoking, a Chowan town on Bennetts Creek, adjacent to Morataux, a community last seen on the Roanoke River during the Roanoke colony period, also on Bennetts Creek and they moved with the Chowanoke following the disease and destruction of the early colonial period and integrated with them. Later in colonial records we see individual Chowanokes named "Nuce Will" and a Durin surname. Nuce is likely nickname based on an origin on the Neuce River and Durin may have come from the Durant surname among the Yeopim people. ~~~~Chowanoke Historian -- Justin Petrone. Following the sale of Indiantown in 1821 and the subsequent migrations to various communities, the Nansemond Basses and Goodwins sirnamed Collins and the New Kent cousins, from southern Virginia , sometimes married Chowan descendants. It is not speculation really, given the amount of SNP group testing evidencing happening more and more. For example, the Bennetts have Algonquian descendants from all throughout the NC region, not just the pre-contact Chowanoke because of the 1724 era when everyone was basically just trying to survive together during a small pox epidemic. They also did have pre-Chowanoke history back to the Susquahanna, per the Capt James Smith mapping of 1656; yes, that was also an epidemic time and put sometime adversaries side by side, just to survive.

Private User
7/9/2017 at 11:46 PM

Statement from the FTDNA section the West Family ydna portion where the participants are explained as to their documentation and if needed, the pedigrees are able to be clicked on to see; but, the statement is very clear and says: " What about groups 7a and 7c who have a paper trail to Robert WEST (7a) and Thomas WEST Jr. (7c)? Their DNA does not match group 7b, NOR DO 7a AND 7c MATCH EACH OTHER Those groups may re-examine the record to look for a possible weak link in the paper trail. They may also consider a break in the surname line."

Private User
7/10/2017 at 11:45 AM
Private User
7/10/2017 at 4:27 PM

Cases of NA being granted land with fee simple, ability to will, happened by the medal chiefs sometimes. One which comes to mind is the land that the Nottoway Planter,William Williams - tithable for himself as a FPOC and also a planter and responsible for the whole of the Nottoway during the apprenticeship law for Mulattos and NA when VR changed the laws to demand all NA be apprenticed and bound out til age 21. It happened. It is not a good reason to keep Toby from being the dad of Indian Maj John West for thinking that NA could only be lease holders or llife estate recipients. John Lightfoot held lands in Pamunkey Neck before removing and joining the Eastern Band of Cherokee. Col. Pugh was a Southern Tuscororan who held a huge plantation area. These are examples that pop into my mind without looking anymore up. But, now I want to look more of them up.

7/10/2017 at 5:13 PM

Here's the Anthony West, of Northampton County line on geni

"Y-DNA testing shows his line to be the highly unusual R-U198. This matches no other tested West family to date.
As such, parents are currently set as 'unknown'."

Private User
7/15/2017 at 9:00 AM

Opitchapum profile started. Looking for links that say who were his offsprings. For sure, he is a brother of Opecanconough.

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