Orzog Aaron Magidowitz - DNA evidence of MAGIDOWITZ Descent from Rav Iudel & Rivka [nee KATZENELLENBOGEN] MAGGID

Started by Ezra Zalman MAGID on Monday, July 17, 2017
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7/17/2017 at 2:40 PM

Shalom Angie, I decided to post here to "broaden the audience". Mishpacha MAGIDOWITZ of Jurbarkas likely descends from Rav Iudel & Rivka [nee KATZENELLENBOGEN] MAGGID. This is supported by DNA predicted cousin matches. The males from this family are NOT direct paternal descendants of Rav Iudel. My belief is that a female descendant of Rav Iudel & Rivka [nee KATZENELLENBOGEN] MAGGID married a man that then "acquired" the name MAGGID, and in a later generation MAGIDOWITZ / MAGIDOVICH. I strongly encourage ALL descendants in this tree to take / transfer autosomal DNA "Family Finder" to The Magid Surname Project at FTDNA. Thanks, Ezra Zalman Magid gematria58@hotmail.com

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