Joseph David Strong - MIDDLE NAME IS WRONG ! it's simply "Joseph Strong" - no middle name

Начал John Townsend суббота, 9 декабря 2017
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9.12.2017 в 11:08 после полудня

There is NO MIDDLE NAME ! it's simply "Joseph Strong"
Where are your source(s) for this ??? Cite your sources !! Jeeze!
be a RESPONSIBLE researcher for heaven sake !!!

Read the Barbour Collection at least (these are transcribed FROM THE ORIGINALS) ---Do you see the middle name of "David" ?? No......
A moments thought would reveal that mid-18th century farmers from rural Connecticut did not give their children middle names as a rule- and secondly all of Josephs brother s and sisters did not have middle names (look at Barbour Collection!); The very same reason his father Lt.Col. David Strong was not named D. E. A. Strong. It was simply "David Strong" --- no middle names! (and he was never a general by the way -- jeeze!) Please apply critical thinking !! You mislead the general public with your unfounded assertions. Do research and quit being lazy!

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