@Melvin Stacy

Started by Private User on Tuesday, May 1, 2018
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  • Private User
    Geni member
Private User
5/1/2018 at 5:15 AM

Is it possible to remove Joel Dean Wilcox from my grandfather's profile manager??? He keeps adding in wrong information and I keep trying to correct it and it is really stressing me out. He doesn't know these people or anything about them and his information is not correct. He is messing up MY family. I fixed it once, with a currators help and a lot of work only to look today and see that he added in another profile for my grandfather. He listed him as his own father, and that new profile showed him as my uncle. This is totally and utterly incorrect. I really need for him to be removed as my grandfathers manager so that my family tree will remain correct. Thank you and I would appreciate anything you can do to keep this person from messing up my family information.

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