Itzko Wojchanski - Itzko Wojchanski - Connection to Chaiim Ber Voikhansky?

Itzko is linked to this profile

where he is born in 1888 in Belarus

He is listed as the son of "Solomon Dvoralisky, Dworman, Avraham Israel Feibish Halpern, Tenenbaum, Benjamin, Isaac, Leib, Zvi Segal, Zemach Gunzburg, Ephraim Musman, Samuel Glazano, Mayer Rachelson, Kreslavsky, Netanel Buchvald , Aaron Grines, Shulem Murdechai Cazkes, Zalmon Gold, Leizer De Zekzer, Leizer Zisie, Zalzberg" born 1830

Based on this he is not the son of Chaiim Ber Voikhansky

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