Всеволод Михайлович Евтушенко - факты

Started by Private User on Saturday, August 11, 2018
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Private User
3/1/2019 at 9:03 AM

дети Анны Елена, Мила и Иосиф Мазуренко- не имеют никакого отношения к Всеволоду Евутшенко

3/12/2019 at 11:08 AM

Галина Олеговна Лессель Ms. Ojegoff is asserting that Елена is not this man's daughter. What source do you have?

Private User
3/14/2019 at 2:38 PM

@Mike Strangel the information from Trefilov is not correct.
@Mike Strangel please ask Galina Lessel to disclose the proper date of Elena Mazurenko bith- that will help to discover the proper solve of this case/
My best regards

3/14/2019 at 2:45 PM

Галина Олеговна Лессель I think Marina is probably correct. The link you posted shows me "no matches" so I'm not sure whether it was a primary source or just someone else's family tree, but so far what I'm hearing from Marina sounds more factual than what I'm seeing here.

Dear Mike, nobody makes any changes or additions to her family tree.))))
These are absolutely two independent projects.
There are researchers on the site myheritage.com who indicate this data. Marina needs to sort things out with them :) No one offers her to unite pedigree trees.

Mike Stangel,
the General Manager of Geni Peter Trefilov delivered his verdict:
"Marina Ozhegova’s claims are far-fetched and have no basis, and the trees in which Vsevolod Yevtushenko appears can exist separately."
Please free me from participating in this endless trial !



Private User
3/15/2019 at 6:22 PM

Galina Lessel - you give false information about that case to the people and your defamation against me needs to be disclosed.

@Mike Strangel please ask Peter Trefilov to permit to write him personally- I will give him the facts about this case.

Private User
3/15/2019 at 6:34 PM

Lessel- is not an expert about that family. @Mike Strangel, please write to ms/ Trefilov about that case and I can give the necessary explanations

Private User
3/16/2019 at 4:08 AM

Евтушенко Всеводод Михайлович. р. 1887. Бежал из России в ноябре 1920 г. В Россию не возвращался.
Анна Акимовна, урожденная Климовская, бывшая жена Всеволода Михайловича Евтушенко ;была замужем с 1914 года, однако семья фактически вместе не жила- с 1914 по 1918 Всеволод Михайлович Евтушенко непрерывно находился на фронтах 1 Мировой Войны, в 1918 уехал в действующие части белых.
Семья Всеволода с бывшей женой связи не поддерживала и никаких ее "детей" не признавала.

Private User
3/18/2019 at 1:22 PM

For the @ to work to tag someone, you cannot type a space before the drop-down window appears and you choose the name from the drop-down window

Private User
4/11/2020 at 4:08 AM

Mike Stangel thank you for your support!
In 2019 I had found the relatives of the last wife of Vsevolod Evtushenko, Margaret.
I also hope to meet them -one day, after the years of search.
I also had fond the documents relating to my greatuncle, and wish to find his grave, too.

The most interesting thing- there was NOT a single word about his first 'wife"- so, that was because of inevitable borders,which devided them. That"s not simply the distance- that was the "idea", because the family of Anna turned to "bolshevik", and Vsevolod was the offiser of "White Guard".
Possibly, after all that years that"s time "to name things as it is", and take in mind, that after the revolution nothing united Vsevolod with his ex-wife. Her relatives just need to admit this fact - no matter how difficult it was for them- they never had anything in common since 1917 .That"s it.
I apologize in advance to everyone who may not like this truth, but they must admit it: the first marriage of Vsevolod was ruined by irresistible irreconcilable contradictions.
During his long life he had 3 wifes and only one son,.but his tracks have been lost for now.
The search continues.

Private User
4/11/2020 at 4:25 AM

I can only repeat for all who would like to know the truth:
Yevtushenko Vsevodod Mikhailovich, born1887.
He fled from Russia in November 1920. He did not return to Russia anyway.
Anna Akimovna, nee Klimovskaya,was the ex-wife of Vsevolod Mikhailovich Evtushenko .
Vsevolod was married from 1914, but the family did not actually lived together from 1914 to 1918. At that time Vsevolod Mikhailovich Evtushenko was continuously at the fronts of World War I, till 1918, and then- at the fronts of the Civil War until 1920.
The Vsevolod family NEVER recognized with his ex-wife and had nothig in common with her.

Private User
10/29/2020 at 5:28 AM

Господин Трефилов" и мадам Лессель -ни разу не могут быть "источником" достоверных сведений о родственниках Всеволода Евтушенко.

Любые заявление о его "детях от Анны"-недобросовестная мистификация. У меня имеются документы из личного дела моего деда, в которых перечислены все его родственники, и там нет ни малейшего упоминания о каких-либо "племянниках" от его старшего брата Всеволода или его "бывшей жене" - эта история была закрыта и закончена раз и навсегда зимой 1918 года. Никаких "детей" не было и быть не могло- ничего общего не могло быть у белого офицера и сестры офицера, перешедшего к красным.
Удивительно- почему этот факт не хотят признать родственники Анны.

Private User
1/27/2021 at 7:22 AM

Елена Мазуренко-не является родственницей или "дочерью" Всеволода Евтушенко.
Лессель и Гаврилова, уберите "мифическую дочь всеволода Елену" из ваших профилей.
Любые заявление о его "детях от Анны"-недобросовестная мистификация. У меня имеются документы из личного дела моего деда, в которых перечислены все его родственники, и там нет ни малейшего упоминания о каких-либо "племянниках" от его старшего брата Всеволода или его "бывшей жене" - эта история была закрыта и закончена раз и навсегда зимой 1918 года. Никаких "детей" не было и быть не могло- ничего общего не могло быть у белого офицера и сестры офицера, перешедшего к красным.

Хватит плодить фейки!

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