Rules regarding invitation to manage a profile --- info please?

Started by FORMER USER on Tuesday, August 14, 2018
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8/14/2018 at 10:41 AM

Can anybody who is informed on the subject answer the following?

Suppose a person is the manager of a profile for John Smith. Now suppose that manager sends an invitation to Ann Jones to become a manager of the profile. We all know that once Ann accepts, the first manager can relinquish management, and Ann can remain as manager in his/her place.

But . . . what happens to the invitation made to Ann if the manager who made the invitation relinquishes management BEFORE Anne accepts the invitation??? Does the invitation remain valid and can Ann then accept it and become manager?

I guess the question goes to the issue of whether the person making the invitation has to hand around for days and days and days, waiting for the invited person to finally see the invitation, accept it and take over, or whether it is sufficient to simply issue the invitation, withdraw, and know that the invitation has not been invalidated by the withdrawal.

8/14/2018 at 12:33 PM

When I relinquish management the new manager’s name shows immediately. So I don’t need to wait around.

Private User
8/14/2018 at 1:06 PM

Erica -
1) does that happen even if you are just one of several managers, or only when you are the only manager?
2) any idea - is that one of those features that is different for Curators??

Private User
8/14/2018 at 1:08 PM

Also - was this when you sent the invite --
OR - are you picturing when they sent the request to be a Manager - which would be a different situation.

8/14/2018 at 1:52 PM

As far as I know relinquishing management works the same for everyone, and behaves the same regardless of number of managers. I’m not even sure an invite goes out - probably not! The manager name just appears in place of your own.

If you are the primary manager and relinquish, there’s an option to make the new person primary also (I think, would want to double check in stepping through a case),

Adding someone as a manager works differently. That’s when a request goes to the new person for them to accept or reject, and feedback shows in your accepted invitations.

8/14/2018 at 1:55 PM

If someone requests management of a profile you manage, it routes to your Requests box to accept or reject. Again, a different process from relinquishing, which is done by clicking X next to your name in profile’s manager options menu. A pop up asks you to confirm and if you want to name a replacement manager.

8/14/2018 at 2:10 PM

OK . . . I did not explain this well . . .

I am the sole manager of a profile. I want to put another person in my place. Using the "Manager Options" under the "Actions" button, I send out an invitation to another user.

The effect is NOT (repeat . . NOT!) instantaneous. The other user must accept. And there can be a very long delay in accepting or rejecting the invitation if the other user is offline and not checking or ignoring messages from geni for a long time.

In the meantime, the question I am presenting to this forum is this: What happens to the validity of my invitation, if --- before the invitation gets accepted --- I relinquish management as sole manager. Geni DOES permit this, but I am not sure I want to do this.

You might ask, why would I want to do this? Well, to get it over with. I want to send out the invitation, knowing eventually the user WILL accept, but I don't want to keep having to check for days and days whether the person has accepted, before I can relinquish management. It simply would be convenient to know that I can send out the invitation, then relinquish AND know that the invitation is still valid, and upon acceptance will result in the desired implementation of the invitee becoming manager.

In other words, I do not want to sabotage my invitation by having relinquished.

8/14/2018 at 2:25 PM

I think this is the scenario

1. Invite person to manage profile
2. Invite routes to their request box
3. Relinquish management, name person as manager
4. Person accepts invite - what message do they get?

(Hopefully - you are already a manager. Possibly - error message).

Mike Stangel do you know ?

8/14/2018 at 2:42 PM

The management request will still be valid even if you relinquish management after sending it.

8/14/2018 at 4:11 PM

Thanks Mike. Good to know!

Quick last question.

During the period between the time that I relinquish and the new manager accepts the invitation, who is the manager? Does geni impose a new manager? If so, is it temporary and does the temporary manager lose management when the invited manager accepts the invitation and becomes manager?

8/14/2018 at 4:44 PM

Wait! JUST figured it out, thanks to Erica . . .

When you are the ONLY manager, Geni will not let you relinquish without first instantaneously forcibly installing someone you nominate in your place, whether they accept or not! I did not know this until now. I thought you had to go through a tedious process of sending out an invite and waiting for them to accept before you could withdraw.

Now I can do this far more quickly!

Thanks Erica and Mike

8/14/2018 at 5:25 PM

I do it all the time.:). Love the instant result.

Private User
8/14/2018 at 6:44 PM

I had no idea clicking the "x" to remove oneself as Manager always resulted in being able to designate someone to take ones place as Manager. Not sure I would want to trust it would work that way -- so think Erica's 4-step "scenario" above is probably a good idea.

On the Other Hand -- if someone is not likely to accept the invite in a timely fashion - or at all -- forcibly turning management over to them by clicking the "x" and designating them is likely going to tick them off and/or result in nobody looking out for the profile.

8/14/2018 at 7:48 PM

It always has for me. And of course I relinquish to managers who are close family, building tree, or otherwise engaged. If I have a doubt - or it’s a brand new to Geni person - I retain co management & use “request to add yourself as manager” instead.

For historic profiles I am uncomfortable if I’m the only manager, so try to add another manager.

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