Which of the Voikhansky men fathered lots of children?

Started by Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Australia) 🇦🇺 on Sunday, August 26, 2018
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Can anyone explain to me which of the Voikhansky men fathered many children across many countries? And which VOIKHANSKY men went by many names?

From https://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/vitsyebsk/Family_Stories/Voikhans...
it does not appear to be Chaiim Ber Voikhansky born 1828 (great grandfather of Dror) as he only had 16 children

From https://genealogy.org.il/2017/09/24/heshvan-event-2017-%D7%90%D7%99... it appears to be Solomon Haim-Bar VOIKHANSKY born 1832 but I can't tell his relationship to Chaim. Being born in 1832 he is either Chaim's brother or maybe a cousin, but not a son.

The facebook group also has Solomon VOIKHANSKY as the one with many wives. Described as Dror's grandpa's brother.

From the facebook site 23 November 2016

So Solomon was definitely not " politically correct" and had many wives, women and many children . I think by aspirations , he saw himself like King Solomon (with 1000 wives =and 1000 mothers in law lol). May be we can get a clue from some names which he chose for himself for example Dvoralisky and Dvorman. From Russian Dvor means a courtyard - also a royal court. And the same as Dvorman. So Solomon Dvoralisky can be : Solomon of the Royal courtyard ... He was strongly involved with the Ginzburg's Aristocracy and this is just another clue.

7/25/2021 at 8:30 AM

do you think that Solomon may have been "doing business". If the family had tanneries etc, maybe they used wives as a barter system?

I think that what would benefit here is the use of genealogy standards of proof and applying some mathematical, geographical and biological principals (ie a male is extremely unlikely to be a father at the age of 2)

7/25/2021 at 10:13 AM

you are right about that (parenting at age 2)!!!. I have learned that if there is only family tree evidence one has to watch out. I really appreciate your efforts Leanne M.

7/25/2021 at 10:14 AM

another question if you don't mind, why do some people have 19 surnames?

7/25/2021 at 10:15 AM

like Yagudin, Romm, Voikhansky, ......

I will send you a message

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