Can anyone explain to me which of the Voikhansky men fathered many children across many countries? And which VOIKHANSKY men went by many names?
From https://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/vitsyebsk/Family_Stories/Voikhans...
it does not appear to be Chaiim Ber Voikhansky born 1828 (great grandfather of Dror) as he only had 16 children
From https://genealogy.org.il/2017/09/24/heshvan-event-2017-%D7%90%D7%99... it appears to be Solomon Haim-Bar VOIKHANSKY born 1832 but I can't tell his relationship to Chaim. Being born in 1832 he is either Chaim's brother or maybe a cousin, but not a son.
The facebook group also has Solomon VOIKHANSKY as the one with many wives. Described as Dror's grandpa's brother.